Kristine Medeiros was back before the Old Rochester Regional School Committee on June 22, seeking approval to double the number of home dates that Old Rochester Youth Football was allowed last year to use the high school’s multi-use, stadium field for home games.
The request had been tabled while ORR Principal Mike Devoll got a chance to see how the spring season played out, how the boys and girls lacrosse teams fared on the natural field and if, in his estimation, it could withstand up to four appearances for ORYF this fall.
Having had that time, Devoll made a statement.
“I am in support of them using the field for their home games provided weather conditions allow for their play,” he said, noting that the weather on last year’s ORYF home dates was optimal.
Devoll alluded to varsity coaches’ meetings and the reported support for youth football at the high school.
“We feel as though being on campus helps kids see themselves as future Bulldogs. … There was no coach in the room who was against these efforts,” he said.
Committee member Jason Chisholm called it “an easy support for me,” noting that those most impacted by usage of the field are not concerned.
Committee member Jim Muse recalled prior discussion determining that ORYF would not have a long-term solution at the ORR stadium field. “This is a real band-aid,” he said.
Committee Chairperson Heather Burke cautioned the group to maintain accuracy for the record in using the language of “games” versus “days” when discussing field usage. Medeiros confirmed that each usage date includes four to six youth football games.
The School Committee’s vote was nearly unanimous, approving the ORYF Association’s use of the multipurpose field for up to four dates this fall, subject to an agreeable user fee and the principal’s authority to cancel any date based on changing conditions. Burke’s was the lone dissenting vote.
“It means so much to the youth to play on that field,” said Medeiros. “Even more than that, it’s really vital to the longevity of the program so I would just like to say thank you all so much. It means more than you guys know.”
Devoll also introduced a disc-golf proposal for the high school, seeking feedback from the committee. He said meetings with ORR teachers Andy Apperson and Nathan Kane and Athletic Director Bill Tilden, then with Assistant Superintendent Howie Barber and Facilities Director Gene Jones led to the June 22 presentation made by Apperson and Kane.
Committee members expressed support for disc golf at the high school. Muse praised the thoroughness of the proposal and encouraged the group to consider partial coverage should the entire layout not be financially or feasible for any other reason. Joe Pires said the game is extremely popular.
No vote was taken on disc golf.
The committee voted to approve Memorandums of Agreement with the Old Rochester Instructional Assistants Association dated September 1, 2022, through August 31, 2025, and with the Old Rochester Secretarial Association dated July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2025, with the United Electrical Radio Machine Workers of America Local 248 Union dated July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2025, and with the Old Rochester Educators Associated dated July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2025.
The ORR School Committee also voted to meet on the following dates: September 7, October 19, December 14, January 25, March 15, April 26, May 31 and June 21.
The committee voted to approve classroom leases for $9,160 and $3,783, as set by SMEC.
The committee voted to approve ORR’s volunteer insurance option on student usage of school electronics such as Chromebooks with coverage based on a $25 flat fee.
Three Student Handbook revisions were also approved that according to Devoll, would more accurately reflect practices. Assistant Principal Vanessa Harvey said Minimum Student Requirements will now be tied to class credit.
The revision will state that students are required to be enrolled in seven credit-earning courses (students taking an Advanced Placement course are required to take six credit-earning courses.) Other tweaked areas involve school enrollment being tied to grade-point average and school transcripts. Attendance requirements were also tweaked.
Muse expressed concern with what he considered an “overly broad” mandate with potential ramifications minus a caveat of review by administration or exceptions. Devoll said the flexibility piece is equivalent programs. Muse voted against the revisions, but the motion carried.
The committee needed less time to approve the disposal of equipment and the completion of summer warrants until September 7 by Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations Howie Barber.
Devoll told the committee that ORR is committed to hiring a Guidance director and has identified a candidate.
The committee’s May 18 vote that rejected the Fair Share Amendment was recounted, based on new information that a two-thirds vote was not needed due to the lack of fiscal impact. The June 22 vote to recount the May 18 votes resulted in approval of the Fair Share Amendment based on a simple majority.
ORR multi-sport athlete Maggie Brogioli received public recognition for her Pentathlon performance resulting in her being named a New Balance All-American.
District staff retirees Donna Perry, Nancy Cowen, Nancy Juvinall, Maureen Barrett, Lynne Velozo, Matt McGraw and Donna Kirk were recognized, and books apropos of their specialties were donated to their respective school libraries in their names.
Burke was also honored by Nelson at the meeting, and former Chairman (and Rochester resident) Cary Humphrey made a special appearance to add words of appreciation.
Burke gave her final chairperson’s report, thanking Paul Naiman, Shay Assad, Woody Hartley and Jay McGrail for their work streamlining communications between the ORR School District and the
Nelson introduced Kelly Chouinard, the new assistant principal at the junior high school.
The committee entered executive session to discuss negotiations and to comply with state laws.
During Open Comment, Rochester resident Karen Thomas asked if executive session could be scheduled at the end of meetings to incentive greater public participation. Burke directed her to contact the Central Office for an explanation.
With Burke’s retirement from the committee, Michelle Smith will henceforth act as chairperson. The next meeting of the ORR School Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, September 7, at 6:30 pm.
ORR School Committee
By Mick Colageo