Window Open to Public During Hearings

            Chairman Mike King of the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission has established an ebb and flow to public hearings, especially those where abutters’ concerns are raised and/or the complexity of a project warrants additional time in the “new normal” of remote meetings.

            King has commented several times during the pandemic emergency that he believes it is important to give the public, especially abutters, additional time to review filed engineered drawings and other pertinent documentation given that the remote-meeting platform can be difficult for some to work with on their home computers. Also, some projects have many technical documents and engineered plans not easily shared in a remote meeting, King believes. During the May 27 meeting, the chairman reopened several public hearings to vet any remaining concerns the public might wish to air before making final deliberations.

            One such meeting was the Notice of Intent filing by Scott Snow, 27 Nashawena Road, for the construction of a single-family home in a designated flood zone on a previously permitted foundation. In what became a months-long process with abutters hiring Bill Madden of G.A.F Engineering to put forward their concerns over the proposed project, the commissioners heard several main themes, most notably concern over ground-water runoff, whether or not the construction would adhere to the latest FEMA regulations, and the amount of fill along with resource-area reduction that might take place.

            Each comment raised by Madden was addressed by the applicant’s representative, Richard Rheaume, of Prime Engineering. As needed and required by the commission, the plan of record was updated to ensure areas of concern were being addressed. On this night they were ready to vote.

            Before closing the public hearing, King asked if the public wished to speak. Silence ensued. The hearing was closed. A set of conditions prepared in advance of the meeting was approved. Conservation Agent Liz Leidhold said no one from the public had requested to view documents filed by the applicant and that the office had received revised plans. The project was approved with conditions.

            The NOI filed by James Craig for property located off of Aucoot Road for the construction of a pier that will traverse marshland was also reopened. Represented by David Davignon of Schneider, Davignon and Leone, Inc., the commissioners heard that the application had been reviewed by the Massachusetts Wildlife’s Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program, which mandated turtle fencing and other measures for the protection of endangered turtles. The fencing plan, Davignon noted, was now on the plan of record.

            Mats that will be used to protect some portions of the marshlands during the construction of the pier were discussed. Davignon said that a report spanning several growing seasons would be provided to the commission to demonstrate the health of the marsh area in question post-disturbance.

            Again, King asked if the public wished to make any comments. Hearing none, the public hearing was closed and the project was conditioned.

            A final project falling into the still-open category was a NOI filed by Andrew and Sarah Bishins, 20 Winnatuxet Beach Road, for the construction of an addition to an existing home and renovations. King inquired about erosion-control measures. Davignon responded that several layers of erosion-control materials would be used especially on the downward slope. The public hearing was closed after additional comments were called. None were offered. The project was conditioned.

            In other matters, turtle fencing was discussed for 38 and 40 Prince Snow Circle. Number 38, owned by Whitman Homes, was represented by developer Bart O’Brien who said that the turtle plan was in place, although there were no immediate plans to develop the lot. Number 40, represented by David Andrews of the Bay Club, also confirmed a plan was in place. The commissioners were satisfied that documents were in order; thusly both NOI filings were conditioned.

            Extension of Orders of Conditions for 78A through 90 Shagbark Circle and Lots 61, 62, and 51 Dupont Drive were approved.

            Continuances were granted to Alexander Makkas, 16 Island View Avenue, for a Certificate of Compliance, as well as a NOI filed by Dale Leavitt of Blue Stream Shellfish.

            The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission is scheduled for June 8 at 6:30 pm; remote-platform details will be posted at

Mattapoisett Conservation Commission

By Marilou Newell

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