The Mattapoisett Conservation Commission held its regular meeting at 6:30 pm on Monday, February 27 at the Town Hall.
The commission heard from Rick Charon on behalf of Dean Whitla for a continued hearing regarding the installation of a new septic system on a property at 68 Fairhaven Road. Several problems with the existing system include its state of disrepair and location below the water table, which poses a contamination threat to the ground water.
According to Mr. Charon, the new system would be located above the water table and since they would be improving an existing land development, there would be no negative impact on the surrounding ecosystems. The Commission voted in favor of the plans pending a standard order of conditions.
Next, they heard from Dennis Mascetta, on behalf of the Sabra family, regarding an RDA to install a new two-car garage and back-up generator at 3 Spruce Avenue. One abutting neighbor voiced concern that the construction of the freestanding garage would negatively impact the unimproved road conditions in the area.
“We don’t make those decisions. Unimproved road conditions aren’t in our purview,” said commission member Bob Rogers. They later voted in favor of the plan.
The bulk of the meeting was spent hearing from Rich Rheaume of Prime Engineering, on behalf of Greg Downey and his NOI for a house on Whaler’s Way. The plans require several different adjacent lots to be bundled together into a larger parcel. The few residents in attendance at the meeting voiced various opinions regarding the plans for the house.
Paul Orzenkowski of the Mattapoisett Land Trust was concerned about the status of an intermittent stream that flows on one piece of the property. The stream originates from a protected perennial stream located near the property.
Conservation Commission Chairman Peter Newton said that the regulations governing intermittent and perennial streams are very similar. He did not foresee a conflict regarding the treatment of the intermittent stream.
Abutter Bob Field mentioned that he was concerned that a swale on his property may be negatively affected by the construction of additional drainage culverts in the neighborhood. The hearing will be continued at the next meeting of the commission.
The commission also heard from Mr. Orzenkowski, who requested to work with the Mattapoisett Land Trust to expand a local trail to make it better suited for horseback riding. They also discussed with Dave Davignon of Schneider and Associates a submittal requirement for a revised project on Goodspeed Island.
The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission will be Monday, March 5 at 6:30 pm at the Town Hall.
By Eric Tripoli