An abbreviated notice of resource area delineation or NRAD caused a bit of conversation during the December 20 meeting of the Rochester Conservation Commission.
Coming before the commission was Alan Ewing of Alan Ewing Engineering representing Marc and Nancy Ferreira. The site is 6.8 acres and is located on Vaughan Hill Road.
Ewing detailed for the commissioners wetland delineations completed by Ferreira’s wetland consultant.
An abutter residing at 30 Vaughan Hill Road and Kevin Ferreira, who identified himself as a New Bedford resident interested in finding out how things were done in Rochester, questioned the intent of the applicant in seeking certification of the wetland line.
Ewing said that a single-family home was planned.
Conservation Agent Laurell Farinon said the commission was only hearing the NRAD application. She explained that soils on the site were “difficult,” noting wetland vegetation in upland areas. Farinon said, “I’d like to make more detailed studies.”
Ewing asked for and received a continuation pending completion of Farinon’s site work and submittal of wetland consultant’s report.
Bob Rogers of G.A.F. Engineering came before the commission with a continued notice of intent hearing for Mike Spieldenner, 1 Happy Tails Lane. Spieldenner has already been before the Planning Board and had previously met with the Conservation Commission.
However, the Planning Board asked for modifications to the proposed paved 12-foot wide roadway that included a drainage swale and a check dam to help manage and mitigate stormwater runoff.
Rogers also said that electrical service would be moved underground versus across the neighbor’s property.
Commissioner Daniel Gagne question the depth of the swale, saying it appeared that the depth was lower than existing wetlands. He wondered aloud about the need for a dewatering plan. Gagne also asked about the need for a test pit to determine the water table. Rogers responded that he didn’t want to “add cost” if that wasn’t necessary.
Rogers said that if seasonal high water table levels were reached while excavating that digging would stop there. He said that he planned to ask for a continuation until January 17 to give Spieldenner time to circle back to the planning board on January 10 with any new information Rogers gleaned from tonight’s meeting with the commission.
The commission seemed satisfied with the plan as proposed. Rogers asked for and received a continuation.
Patricia Tilton, representing the estate of Carol Taylor, 40 Hartley Road, along with Collins Civil Engineering Group presented a request for determination of applicability to install a new 1,500-gallon septic system. The project received a negative determination with standard conditions.
The next meeting of the Rochester Conservation Commission is scheduled for January 17 at 7:00 pm in the town hall meeting room.
By Marilou Newell