David Davignon of Schneider, Davignon & Leone, Inc., made it to the Marion Conservation Commission’s September 13 public meeting in time to present his Request for Determination of Applicability for proposed stormwater outfall improvements on behalf of applicants William Jr. and Elizabeth Weber, 21 East Avenue.
The Webers were awarded a Negative Determination Boxes 2 and 3 for their work, which will occur in the buffer zone but will not alter or damage the wetland.
Two months ago, they had filed for two certificates of compliance, one for seawall repair at their reconstructed house, but the other, a problematic storm drain, was not awarded the COC sought. Davignon told the commissioners he had the affected area surveyed for accuracy before making his plans on their behalf.
The applicants proposed to create a drainage basin with a leaching bottom with a landscaping plan along the driveway. Davignon suggested a Cape Cod berm along the driveway to prevent the poor drainage situation.
Presiding over the meeting in the absence of Chairman Jeff Doubrava, Vice Chairman Emil Assing led a team of four commissioners, including Shaun Walsh, Matt Schultz and associate commissioner Millie Seeberg, along with board administrator Terri Santos.
There were four public hearings, all of which were closed and voted favorable outcomes.
David Johnson was issued a Negative Box 3 Determination of Applicability for trees to be removed at 2 Sassamon Trail.
The proposal is to remove eight trees, none of which are in the wetland area. A site visit revealed that the trees were marked with flags. Assing noticed that the trees are near the house but asked about one tree back away from the house. Johnson said he hired Apex Tree Service, which indicated concern about beetle damage and the root system.
“I have an ecologist for a son, and I hired an arborist. We want to do the right thing,” said Johnson.
Don and Barbara Easterday Trustees were issued an Order of Conditions approving their plan to construct a 24×26-foot detached garage at 52 Cove Circle.
Assing and Walsh said they appreciate that the corners of the garage were staked out for their September 9 site visit. Assing noted that the work is all contained within already-disturbed areas. The closest point of construction from the wetlands line is approximately 65 to 70 feet.
The commissioners voted to issue Dale and Susan Snow a Negative Box 3 Determination of Applicability for construction of a mudroom at 15 Rezendes Terrace. The deck there now will be removed. Applicant Susan Snow attended the meeting. There is a wetland behind the house. Assing said he appreciated the Snows’ filing with the presence of wetlands in question.
The commissioners voted to honor a request for a three-year extension of a Permit to manage phragmites as well as conduct beach nourishment from The Meadow Island Realty Trust, 34 Fraser Way. The plan, said Assing, is to conduct a treatment of the phragmites in October and schedule another treatment in 2024. The permit was to expire on October 15.
Comments to the Planning Board regarding a Special Permit application filed by Sherman Briggs at Spring and Mill Streets. Assing said Briggs applied for a Special Permit for erosion control. Walsh said he visited the site a few years ago with the commission and says there is no record of a determination. He noted that Briggs had planned to build a residential development. Walsh said he thinks Mass Mapper indicates wetlands in the area. “I don’t think it’s jurisdictional,” he said. The commission agreed to communicate with the Planning Board accordingly.
The commissioners voted to ratify emergency certification conducted by Doubrava in the wake of a collapsed cesspool off Kabeyun Road. Marion DPW reached out to Conservation. Assing said that Doubrava signed off on measures to fill the hole where a rusted, metal septic tank was posing a safety hazard.
The next meeting of the Marion Conservation Commission is scheduled for Wednesday, September 27, at 7:00 pm at the Police Station.
Marion Conservation Commission
By Mick Colageo