The Mattapoisett River Valley Water District Commission faces a $1 million decision on how to update its water-treatment facility, and the increasing sense is that its members have already decided it makes no sense to save that million knowing it will likely lead to much greater spending later.
Koch Separation Systems can either replace the nearly obsolete Targa II water-treating system presently operating in the MRV plant with a brand new, state-of-the-art Puron MP system or, for a limited time, provide the parts that would allow the MRV to kick the Targa II can down the road for as long as those parts shall last.
During the commission’s February 9 Zoom meeting, MRV member Paul Silva asked Tata & Howard’s Jon Gregory what numbers the MRV is looking to take to Unibank for financing purposes. Gregory said that the report has been drafted and is undergoing quality control. The total project cost for a Targus (existing-system) upgrade is $3,310,000, and the total project cost for a Puron MP (new-system) upgrade is $4,410,000.
Meantime, the MRV voted to approve a plan to proceed toward a new municipal advisory agreement with Unibank. Rochester Town Counsel Blair Bailey said he wants to read the agreement before MRV signs off on a deal expected to cost $3,500 per year.
Gregory will likewise review the Department of Environmental Protection-required PILOT-test proposal that Koch is putting together for the site.
In her Treasurer’s Report to the commission, Marion DPW engineer Meghan Davis noted that January 2021 showed no invoices from Eversource, regularly one of the heavier billers to the MRV. Total invoices for the month were $32,018.72, including total chemicals at $12,971, maintenance and repair charges at $8,712.46, and other invoices at $9,181.16. Three invoices came from Tata & Howard for filter evaluation and replacement.
Beyond the Koch update, Gregory said that Tata & Howard is working on a Risk and Resilience Assessment including countermeasure costs and expects to have the draft report to the MRV in March. “These requirements are federal requirements,” said Gregory.
Member Laurell Farinon relayed a report from Henri Renauld that said the Fairhaven Tinkham Lane plant is back online after the installation of a heater following a water leak in the Fairhaven well.
In the Water Protection Advisory Committee meeting that preceded the District Commission’s, Chairman Vinnie Furtado read Jeff Furtado’s Treasurer’s Report, giving a February 1 ending balance of $24,817.03.
The committee voted to authorize Furtado to write a letter approving Walter Hartley’s proposed construction on Neck Road, subject to the approval of the Rochester Planning Board. Farinon noted that the lot bisects a cranberry bog. Member Rick Charon said, “The viability of these bogs is gone,” and Bailey added, “You’re going to see a lot more of these. I’m extremely surprised that we haven’t seen people abandoning a lot of upland bogs.”
After the committee authorized Tata & Howard to purchase a Levelogger not to exceed $1,200, Gregory learned that the old model of Leveloggers was being discontinued. Citing the report of a new $900 probe, the committee approved a plan to spend not over $1,000 for the new model.
Under new business, Gregory displayed 2020 data graphs illustrating a seasonal commonality of drought across the region. Water levels in Marion’s wells on New Bedford Road fell below the 25th elevation percentile for low-median groundwater levels as affected by the late-summer drought. But the level bounced back to the normal reference point by December. Other area wells showed similar progression. A corresponding chart displayed higher water-pumping activity during the late-summer months. Gregory intends to display the information quarterly.
The next meeting of the MRV Water Supply Protection Advisory Committee/District Commission is scheduled for Tuesday, March 9, at 3:30 pm and 4:00 pm.
MRV Water Supply Protection Advisory Committee/District Commission
By Mick Colageo