Wareham Street Lots Clear First Hurdle

With few items to discuss on Monday evening, the Marion Planning Board on November 6 efficiently dispensed with its business. The board approved an Approval Not Required proposal and took the opportunity of a light agenda to discuss, among other things, the process with which they hire consulting engineers.

Engineer David Davignon of N. Douglas Schneider & Associates represented Henry and Judith Dejesus in a proposed ANR plan.

The land, located off of Wareham Street (Route 6) at Marion’s boundary with Wareham, is a large parcel that currently has on it what Davignon described as a “dilapidated house.”

The applicants want to divide the parcel into four buildable lots, all with 250 feet of frontage on Route 6, and ranging in size from 2.67 acres to 11.95 acres. Currently, the intent is to market three of the four lots, setting the parcel with the house aside for sale at a later date.

The address for the entire parcel is 3 Bournhurst Road, further described as a paper street by Davignon. The wetlands have been flagged, but the applicant has not gone before the Conservation Commission as of yet. Board member Steve Kokkins asked what flood zone designation the land was in, to which Davignon replied that all the lots are out of the floodplain except Lot 1. Part of Lot 1 is in the velocity zone, but the house is built in the “A” zone due to the significant amount of saltmarsh in front of it.

Kokkins also asked about the driveway access to the lots and the need for additional curb cuts. Davignon said the intent is to use the current curb cut, which is wide and eminently useable, either as a common drive for all lots or in another configuration to be determined at a later date.

Board member Norm Hills asked if the lots would be serviced by sewer or septic. Davignon assured the board that the perc tests were excellent and all lots would be served by septic systems.

Davignon has also spoken with the fire chief about bringing a hydrant to serve the site.

The ANR plan was approved unanimously, including board member Jennifer Francis calling in from California.

At a previous meeting, the board had appointed members Will Saltonstall and Steve Kokkins as the point people for the site plan review for 111 Wareham Road. Saltonstall reported that they had received the plans and would like to recommend hiring Tibbetts Engineering as the consulting engineer for the board. Saltonstall reviewed for the board its process for hiring consulting engineers, noting that a few years ago the board sent out a Request for Proposals and G.A.F. Engineering, Tibbetts, JC Engineering, and Beals & Thomas responded. He added that if the cost of the consulting was under $5,000 then it didn’t have to go out to bid.

In his town planner report, Gil Hilario briefed the board on a new effort by the Marion Historical Commission, with encouragement from the Plymouth County Registry of Deeds, to create deed summaries of the ‘historic’ buildings in the town. This summary would include not only structures of historical age and significance, but also homes of important historic figures. This summary would be recorded at the registry to be accessible for researchers so that vital facts regarding important properties would be less likely to be lost over time.

In other business, Chairman Eileen Marum reported on her attendance at the Office of Technical Assistance and the Massachusetts Chemical Safety and Climate Change Preparedness Seminar. In light of the catastrophe after Hurricane Harvey, in which toxic chemicals were introduced to the air and water in and around Houston, Texas, she urged the town to take advantage of SRPEDD’s offer to hold a seminar in town. Marum underscored the hazards present within Marion as a coastal community, specifically the risks associated with boat yards and the wastewater treatment plant. The toxins potentially released into the environment, she said, due to a catastrophic storm “…into our water and harbor and could contaminate our seafood.” Marum’s report will be available on the town website.

Francis suggested that a new subcommittee be created to help guide the implementation of the Master Plan, including members from the Planning Board, the general public, and other stakeholders. Marum suggested there be a “robust discussion” at the next scheduled meeting.

The next meeting of the Marion Planning Board is scheduled for November 20 at 7:00 pm at the Marion Town House.

Marion Planning Board

By Sarah French Storer


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