Mattapoisett citizens need to be on the alert. Vandals are destroying property and thieves are stealing from the community. During the August 5 Board of Selectmen meeting, Town Administrator Mike Gagne asked the residents of the community to report any suspicious activity after a series of thefts and an occurrence of vandalism have taken place this summer.
Gagne reported that headstones had been pushed over and damaged at Cushing Cemetery during the daylight on August 5, there was a theft in June from the beach house (two cast iron sinks and parts of equipment for a new swing set), and a 10-foot section of copper downpipe was stolen from the exterior of Center School this week.
He said it was hard to believe that these things could have happened in the very heart of the village, which is heavily populated, and he hopes that in the future people will call the police if they have any suspicions of illegal activity taking place. Gagne said, “We need the eyes and ears of the community.”
Gagne also reported on a recently-completed survey on voter preference about poll opening hours during local annual elections. He said that of the approximately 60 responses received, 92 percent wanted the polls to open earlier at 8:00 am versus 10:00 am. The selectmen agreed with the voters’ requests.
Gagne also shared that the Recreation Department’s summer camp program has been an overwhelming success this season with 270 children participating.
In other business, the selectmen reviewed and approved the conservation restriction recently accepted by the Conservation Commission for the Shaw Farm property off Brandt Island Road. This land acquisition, which is partially situated in Fairhaven, will eventually have public bike and walking access connecting the Mattapoisett Bike Path with the Naskatucket Reservation.
Selectmen voted to reappoint Paul Amoruso to the Finance Committee. They also gave a confirming vote on year-end inter-budget line item transfer with $5,000 moving from waterfront enterprise wages column to waterfront enterprise improvement expenses and $130,000 moved and dispersed to a long list of needs.
Several upcoming events received approval. The 10th Anniversary of the Mattapoisett Skate Park will be held on August 23, with a rain date of August 30. The event will feature live music and food geared towards a family-friendly celebration. Event organizer Kyle Lopes will meet with the Board of Health and Chief Mary Lyons to finalize permits and details.
Mattapoisett Congregational Church will hold their annual “Homecoming Sunday” on September 7 at Ned’s Point from 7:00 am to 1:00 pm.
The Milton Silveira memorial will be dedicated on August 8 at 11:00 am. This is the fulfillment of a dream for Old Hammondtown sixth grader Alex Craig who spearheaded the project from beginning to end. Craig believed that Silveira’s impressive career with NASA and his local roots were deserving of a permanent monument. A bench and plaque installed on a rock will be unveiled during the ceremony. The public is invited to attend.
The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Board of Selectmen will be September 9 at 7:00 pm in the Town Hall Conference Room.
By Marilou Newell