Two Retirement Projects on Agenda

With no controversies, no abutters’ objections, and no questions from the public or the board members, the two hearings scheduled for the night took much less than the 15 minutes allotted each.

First up was Susan Nilson of CLE Engineering in Marion and Stephen Kelleher, architect from Mattapoisett. They were presenting a project for William and Jane (Hiller) Farran of Philadelphia for property located at 53 Angelica Ave. The house on the property was built in 1759 and the two-acre site also has several out buildings. The petitioners were requesting permission to make improvements and alternations to the barn for conversion into a guesthouse. It was noted that a member of the family will reside in the guesthouse with the Farrons eventually occupying the home when they retire in Mattapoisett. Without any issues, questions, or concerns about the project, it was unanimously approved.

The other applicant to come before the board was Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hoines of Fairhaven regarding 150 North St. The property currently sports a mobile home trailer and several out buildings. The Hoineses, having received approvals from the Board of Health and Conservation Commission, want to tear down the existing structures and erect a new larger modular home (currently under construction at a factory located in the Carolinas) with a full basement. Neighbor Robert Sylvia spoke in favor of the project, saying, “It will bring up property values.” The Hoineses told the Board once the home is completed they, too, plan on retiring in Mattapoisett. This request also easily received approval.

The Board then adjourned and went in to executive session.

By Marilou Newell

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