Two More Large Scale Solar Projects Planned

            Rochester has become the Tri-Town community of choice for those seeking to develop large-scale solar arrays. And that fact has kept the Rochester Conservation Commission very busy for the last several years. On June 16, two continued hearings for proposed solar arrays were once again front and center at the commission’s remote meeting room.

            First up was Hank Ouimet of Renewable Energy Development Partners, Hingham, for property located off Pierce Street known as Eldredge Bogs, owned by Peter Beaton of West Wareham. Representing the applicant was Sarah Stearns of Beals and Thomas, Inc., who told the commissioners that the development team was preparing a response to the peer-review letter which she stated was brief. The two-phase project on agricultural lands would include the creation of more efficient bypass canals and the installation of a canopy solar array over the constructed canal network. The hearing was continued until July 7.

            The second solar project application was filed by Clean Energy, Auburn, for property located at 139 Sarah Sherman Road owned by William Souza. The proposed plans include placement of equipment pads within 100-feet of at least one certified vernal pool. Discussion over the location of the certified pools located throughout the site was the main topic with Conservation Agent Laurell Farinon expressing her concerns.

            Farinon said that tree cutting and canopy loss would impact the temperature and hydrology of the pools and that the applicant needed to prove otherwise. She said of the vernal pool certification process that in 2002 the Lloyd Center asked property owners in Rochester if they wanted wetland features on their lands to be studied for possible vernal pool certification by the state. Several pools were located at that time on Souza’s property. Greg Carey of Clean Energy said that his team was looking at the equipment pad locations for alternatives.

            Rich Rheaume of Prime Engineering said, “We can take a hard look at the vernal pools during the site visit.” The hearing was continued until July 21.

            A Certificate of Compliance was approved for work completed by James and Katherine Hanson at 361 Snows Pond Road.

            Stephen Meltzer, Willow Creek Builders, for a lot located at 13 Horse Neck Road, received a negative determination of applicability for the construction of a new dwelling near and within the 100-foot buffer zone, after redesigning the location of a fresh-water well, moving it some 10-feet farther from wetland resource areas.

            A continuance was granted to SEMASS for tree trimming activities along 141 Cranberry Highway. 

            The next meeting of the Rochester Conservation Commission is scheduled for July 7 at 7:00 pm. Remote meeting details will be posted on the town’s website,

Rochester Conservation Commission

By Marilou Newell

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