Sunday brought the sun back to the area and work continued to dig out and clean up the damage.
Storm related updates for Sunday include:
– Nstar was able to restore power to about 10% of the customers in Marion, Mattapoisett and Rochester by Sunday Afternoon, their work continues into the night. The Wanderer is tracking areas that have had power restored on our Facebook page at – if you have had your power restored please let us know.
– The Town of Marion moved their shelter to the ORR High School for the duration of the emergency. Persons in need of shelter should bring their own bedding materials (cots are available), and any medications they may need. Pets are accepted, when accompanied by their owners. Pet owners must supply their own pet food and provide care and maintenance of their pets.
– Tabor Academy opened the Fish Athletic Center for a couple hours for those looking to shower, charge cell phones, or just warm up.
-The Marion Town House will be closed on Monday due to loss of power.
– Schools in the Tri-town will be closed until power can be restored to the region.
– The forecast for Monday calls for higher temperatures but unfortunately that is mixed with rain. Rapid snow melt and clogged drains may cause isolated flooding and the rain may slow efforts to restore power.