Trees Will Not Be Heard

            Coming before the Mattapoisett Planning Board during their December 18 public meeting was Tree Committee Chairman Sandy Hering. Fresh from the well-attended Tree Committee meeting, Hering brought the Planning Board up to date on what had transpired and possible involvement, or lack thereof, for the Planning Board.

            Hering explained that the Tree Committee meeting covered many aspects and areas of concern with respect to the proposed village street project. She said she learned from Town Administrator Mike Lorenco that because the village street project is a municipal project, trees felled out of necessity for that construction do not need to be vetted in a public hearing by the Planning Board.

            Historically, the protocol had been that trees within the town’s easement and requiring removal must first undergo a review via a public hearing. Surprised to hear that they would not be subject to a public hearing, Planning Board Chairman Tom Tucker asked, “When did they start doing this?”

            Board member William Wennerberg, who is also a Tree Committee member, reported that Lorenco explained that Planning Board involvement in the removal of trees that is part of a municipal project is not necessary. Hering had broached the idea of having each tree currently slated for removal vetted in the public-hearing format by the Planning Board.

            Board member John Mathieu read from the website: “After a road has been designated as a scenic road, any repair, maintenance, reconstruction, or paving work done with respect thereto shall not involve or include the cutting or removal of trees or the tearing down or destruction of stone walls or portions thereof, except with the prior written consent of the planning board…” The statute goes on to read that if there isn’t a planning board, responsibility falls to the select board. Tucker said he would speak with Lorenco to clear up this matter.

            Hering also said that Lorenco had agreed to flag all 26 trees presently slated for removal to give residents a visual representation of what will be gone. She said that residents are now becoming aware of this project and have questions that need to be answered.

            In other business, the board approved the removal of trees located at 12 Barstow Street, 12 North Street and 4 Marion Road.

            Wennerberg asked if the board would entertain looking at tree removal policy and local bylaw for the possible inclusion of new language that would beef up new tree plantings. He said that currently, if a tree is removed in the town’s easement, the homeowner of the property can refuse to have a new tree planted. Hering concurred that oftentimes property owners, “…don’t want new trees.” Wennerberg said the absence of such language means that the town is taking down trees but not replacing them. Member Nathan Ketchel thought for every one tree removed, two should be planted. The board members agreed to study the matter.

            The board also approved the Form B Preliminary Subdivision Plan for property located on Ocean Drive and owned by David Duchaine.

            The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Planning Board is scheduled for Monday, January 8, at 7:00 pm.

Mattapoisett Planning Board

By Marilou Newell

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