The first informational meeting to dig into Marion’s Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan (CWMP) will be held on Monday, May 23, at 6:00 pm, at the Music Hall.
Kent Nichols Jr. of Weston & Sampson, Inc. gave the Marion Select Board a preview of what is to come during Tuesday night’s Select Board meeting. The 20-year plan for wastewater management in Marion was outlined with a PowerPoint presentation with assistance from Laurie Toscano of Weston & Sampson via Zoom.
Nichols said he will dig into more detail on Monday but summarized: Goals & Drivers, Process & Structure, Marion’s wastewater system and needs and alternatives, all geared to developing a recommended plan.
Items that will be addressed include: pump station projects already underway such as Creek Road, permitting and regulatory items, treatment capacity and chemical removals.
Sewer Expansion needs will be part of the study with evaluations of septic on large developments around town. Nichols said the systems would be ranked with an eye on a decision as to their value going forward.
He identified 11 needs areas with alternatives favored by the Select Board and two basic questions facing the town: How much cost can each property absorb and would the town rather stay local or go regional with sewer?
“I think you’ve done a great job, Kent, and Weston & Sampson has done a great job,” said Parker.
Nichols asked the board what other questions should Weston & Sampson be asking the public as informational sessions approach. The members of the board indicated that the town would notify Nichols with any considerations.
Jay McGrail used his Town Administrator’s Report to acknowledge the townspeople’s support of a new Department of Public Works operations center via both Town Meeting (May 9) and ballot-question votes (May 13.) He thanked all those who helped get the word out, noting a 76 approval in town.
In discussing next steps, McGrail said the fine-tuning of the design and structure presents two options: a full-scale design put out to bid or a modular procurement. He said the state has a model for municipalities to use.
“Ultimately, we need to put together a small building committee,” said McGrail, who said a skeleton version essentially exists between himself, DPW Director Nathaniel Munafo and Becky Tilden, also of the DPW. McGrail suggested adding a Select Board member and a couple of residents whose advice leading up to Town Meeting he considered beneficial, especially as the town looks to build in the Water Supply Protection District. “I think a citizens’ committee … is a great idea,” said Parker. McGrail will make recommendations.
The state requires that Marion hire an overall project manager, and while McGrail said Facilities Manager Shaun Cormier is capable of overseeing either the DPW or the Marine Center construction, it is too much to ask him to handle both projects.
The town recently submitted a $1,000,000 grant application to the state’s Seaport Economic Council with another for the same amount scheduled for the fall. In the next few months, the harbormaster’s headquarters project will go before the Conservation Commission. Its design and permitting money is covered by the $300,000 that the SEC previously awarded.
Over the next couple of months, the board will begin to process McGrail’s FY23 Goals, including the elimination of those accomplished, sharing of feedback and new goals added on.
The board voted to approve Chief of Police Richard Nighelli’s recommendation of Tyler Paquette for full-time appointment to the Marion Police force for a one-year probationary period. Paquette has been working for the Fall River Police.
A Mental Health Awareness Walk is being organized by Old Rochester Regional High School students on Saturday, June 11, from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm.
The board voted to approve a sewer connection for the Silvershell Inn with special conditions. A water/sewer abatement request of $3,849.95 at 62 Water Street was approved. Water/Sewer commitments were approved for $221.30 (final readings on May 3) and $155 (sewer reconnection on May 5.)
At the beginning of Tuesday’s meeting, the board reorganized, and newly elected Select Board member Carleton “Toby” Burr made his first motion as a member, nominating Parker as chairman, Norm Hills as vice-chair and himself as clerk. The vote was unanimous, and Parker took over the meeting opened by Hills. The night before the Select Board meeting, Hills was voted in as new chairman of the Planning Board.
John Waterman, whose vacated Select Board seat was won by Burr in the May 13 Town Election, attended one more Select Board meeting, a special meeting called for May 12 to address water and sewer rates.
Finance Director Judy Mooney told the board that residents are looking at a 1 percent base increase in their water bills for FY23 and that a 1 percent increase will be added to the third and fourth pricing tiers. The loss of Lockheed Martin, she said, will make an impact in revenue.
Sewer users will see a 2 percent increase on the base rate and only 1 percent on the third and fourth tiers. McGrail called it, “the most mild adjustment in recent years. We couldn’t have been more conservative as we’ve been here.”
Memorial Day Remembrances will be held on Monday, May 30, at 9:00 am beginning at the Music Hall with a procession up Front Street to Old Landing. Jack McLane, Marine veteran and author of “A Marine Story,” will be the guest speaker.
The summer schedule for the Select Board will include regular June meetings on the first and third Tuesday of the month at the Music Hall, followed by July 12 and August 16 meetings at the Marion Police station.
The next meeting of the Marion Select Board is scheduled for Tuesday, June 7, at 6:00 pm at the Music Hall.
Marion Select Board
By Mick Colageo