Not unlike driving through a small town where blinking could mean you’ll miss it, the same could have been said of the Mattapoisett Planning Board’s meeting on Monday night. With only one item to handle and that one being more technical than anything else, things moved quickly.
Robert Field of Field Engineering representing the Town of Mattapoisett came before the Board to have them approve revisions for plot plans on Brandt Island Road, Lot #5 Assessors’ Map #14. The town owns the parcel, and it was intended that an abutter purchase the lot to extend their space. However, the town needs to allow for public process. Therefore, the lot will be explicitly detailed as a non-buildable lot. It can sell at public auction, but will never be buildable. The Board approved the request to revise the description to clearly denote it as non-buildable.
Bonnie DeSouza was the only resident present. She was invited to ask any questions she might have. She said she wanted to know the status of any progress or movement regarding plans on rezoning portions of Route 6. Board member Ron Merlo said he had not yet reached out to SRPEDD to get the information gathered thus far on this long-term project.
Before DeSouza departed, the members asked for an update on the Bike Path plans. She said she was hopeful that plans would be before the Board of Selectmen sometime this summer.
With that, the Board took care of housekeeping and paperwork, called it a night and closed the meeting 20 minutes from start to finish.
By Marilou Newell