Town Administrator Announces Retirement

Chairperson Naida Parker told Town Administrator Richard LaCamara that he was leaving behind “some awfully damned tough shoes to fill,” after LaCamara announced on February 10 that he will retire on July 1 of this year, after 32 years as a municipal worker, beginning in Lakeville.

“I really enjoyed my time here,” said LaCamara. He said the position is very demanding, as well as time-consuming. “You have to put a lot of hours in to do the job – and I’m too old…”

Before the selectmen made their way in to begin the meeting, LaCamara spoke candidly about his retirement plans and how he is fixing to spend his time.

“We have a place in Maine. That’s where you’ll find me,” laughed LaCAmara, “or not find me.” He said of his seven years in Rochester, “It used to be fun … I’m 66. I want to spend more time with my family and grandchildren and spend more time in Maine.”

He admitted he had been thinking before of retiring this past January, but decided he would see the Town through one last Town Meeting in May, use up the last of his vacation time beginning June 1, and officially retire of July 1.

“I’ve had a lot of fun, though,” said LaCamara. “Rochester is great. I’ve met some really nice people.” He continued, “I’ve had some challenges, but that comes with the territory.”

Parker said she wished LaCamara didn’t have to smile so much while telling the board he was leaving, adding that other departments will feel lost without him at times.

“They’re going to take this news with a bitter pill and say, ‘what are we gonna do now?’” said Parker. She said LaCamara just “knows what’s going on,” and that he will certainly be missed.

Also during the brief meeting, LaCamara told the board that the fiscal year 2015 budget still has “significant issues,” but much progress has been made in the process, especially with Old Rochester Regional. He said the expectation for a significant increase in Rochester’s contribution “is not there anymore,” although other “problem” budgets still have some “serious issues.”

“Overall, I think they’re in reasonably good shape,” stated LaCamara, but later adding, “It’s another tough year. Another tough year,” he repeated.

The Town is shooting for May 19 for Town Meeting, when the final budget will be presented for approval.

In other news, the board approved an amendment to the Town’s veterans services agreement with Mattapoisett, the only change being the date Mattapoisett would have to submit its the budget.

The board approved the permit for the Patriot Half Triathlon for June 14, voted to support the funding for mosquito control, and also approved the over expenditure of the snow and ice removal budget, which has now exceeded its limit for FY14.

The date of the next Board of Selectmen meeting is February 24, at 6:30 pm at Town Hall.


By Jean Perry


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