The September 15 meeting of the Mattapoisett Zoning Board of Appeals found Chairman Susan Akin and members Tony Tranfaglia, Mike Ward, Bill Cantor and Colby Rottler able to easily approve a Special Permit to Dennis Mahoney and Sons for the construction of a 0.5-megawatt solar array.
The project is planned for 3 Tinkham Hill Road with 1,500 panels positioned south of an existing, much larger array, one of the first to be constructed in Mattapoisett by Bluewave Solar. That 2013 project is projected to inject $500,000 of payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) to the town.
This latest solar project, unlike others where land is leased from a property owner, will be owned by Dennis Mahoney and Sons, Inc. Financial arrangements, if any, with the town have not been disclosed but were alluded to by Rich Riccio of Field Engineering, who represented the applicants. Riccio said that the closest solar panel will be nearly 800 feet from any existing home, thus natural screening already in place will make the array difficult to see.
Riccio covered the stormwater management plans and plans for a driveway into the property.
The ZBA members were satisfied with the plans as presented but added that construction may not take place on weekends and be restricted on weekdays between the hours of 7:00 am and 5:00 pm. Member Colby Rottler also asked that measures be taken to minimize dust from being released in the air by way of water spray and tire washing. When asked when the project may begin, Riccio said that was unclear at this time, given interconnection with Eversource was stalled and/or pending indefinitely.
The project was approved. Akin quipped, “We’re getting good at this.”
Also approved was a Special Permit to Sharon and Tom Brownell, 3 Park Lane, for major exterior renovations, additions and improvements outside a wetlands buffer zone. The project was accepted as presented by David Davignon of Schneider, Davignon & Leone, Inc.
The next meeting date for the Mattapoisett Zoning Board of Appeals was not scheduled upon adjournment.
Mattapoisett Zoning Board of Appeals
By Marilou Newell