The October 19 meeting of the Mattapoisett Zoning Board of Appeals was about as tame as a cat that has just eaten its fill and is sleeping in a sunny window – very tame indeed.
Coming before the ZBA – populated by Chairman Susan Akin and board members Ken Pacheco, Mary Anne Brogan, Norman Lyonnais, and Tony Tranfaglia – were six applicants, each seeking approval for a Special Permit.
First up was Michael Sudofsky, owner of The Ropewalk and The Stowaway, commercial enterprises that shared a bit too much in common in terms of common boundary lines. Sudofsky sought approval to permanently reposition lot lines that currently find the lot located at 33 County Road under the lot located at 35 County Road.
Sudofsky also explained that the Town’s legal counsel had indicated the Special Permit request was acceptable. It was unclear how this lot configuration had come to be, but the zoning board members were in agreement that since no actual building changes would be taking place, the request was reasonable.
The second hearing was for a Special Permit to build a single-family home at 0 Highland Avenue-BB. The property has been owned for many decades by two sisters, applicants William and Anne Colman said, and that the Colmans planned to purchase the property and build a five-bedroom home to accommodate their large family.
Although an abutter questioned why a five-bedroom home was necessary and that it didn’t really fit into the neighborhood, the board members agreed that the lot coverage and height of the build conformed to applicable regulations.
Jeffrey Hutton, 7 King Philip Road, received Special Permit approval to demolish the 1918 structure on the property and build a new home in its place. Representing Hutton was Jon Conlon of Field Engineering, who said that the lot coverage would be 23 percent and that the new home would meet pre-existing setback conditions.
Keith Dmytryek, 52 Crystal Spring Road, sought a Special Permit to enlarge an existing garage. After confirming to the board members that the structure would not include plumbing or living spaces, the application was approved.
Stephen Hoyle, 35 Angelica Avenue, asked permission via a Special Permit to elevate an existing home by 9 feet to meet FEMA guidelines. Although the addition of decks put the lot coverage at 27 percent – 2 percent greater than normally allowed – the board approved the application without debate.
Martin Lomp, 45 Mattapoisett Neck Road, requested a Special Permit to construct a new 1,280 square foot garage for boat and vehicle storage. Also represented by Jon Conlon of Field Engineering, Conlon confirmed that Lomp had no intention of using the garage for living space, that it would not include plumbing, and that the foundation would meet flood plain regulations. Generally garages are only approved to be 864 square feet, but the board members unanimously approved the application given lot coverage consideration.
The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Zoning Board of Appeals is scheduled for November 16 at 6:00 pm in the town hall conference room if any hearings are scheduled.
Mattapoisett Zoning Board of Appeals
By Marilou Newell