In its fourth continuation, the public hearing for Carmine and Beth Martignetti’s Notice of Intent for shoreline improvements at 71 Moorings Road reached a positive conclusion during the January 27 meeting of the Marion Conservation Commission.
Dave Davignon from Schneider, Davignon & Leone, who presented on behalf of the applicant, made further revisions in response to requests made during the commission’s last meeting held two weeks earlier. The changes will be accompanied by concrete markers that will tell maintenance crews that they are not to mow in the marked areas.
No further questions from the commissions signaled it was time to close the public hearing, and the members revisited the matter later in the meeting to vote the Martignetti’s an Order of Conditions. They approved the NOI with special conditions, including a permanent, split-rail-type fence and permanent concrete marker a minimum of 3 inches above grade.
In other business, what began as a Request for Determination of Applicability filed by 418 Point Road Trust was replaced by an NOI for repairs and to replace a portion of a pile-support system of the boardwalk constructed there around 2009. The applicant was represented by Davignon, who explained modifications to satisfy issues raised at the last ConCom meeting. Public comment was invited without result, and the commission’s members ultimately issued an Order of Conditions, including the condition that all work equipment must be removed from the salt marsh daily.
ConCom issued the Marion Lands Trust an amended Order of Conditions to modify a driveway entrance at Wareham Street. Continuing conditions include the driveway must be made of crushed stone.
Tabor Academy was given a Negative 2 Determination of Applicability in its proposed plan to demolish Hayden Library, 85 Spring Street, and construct a new, 22,750 square-foot Campus Center on the site.
ConCom received a complaint about tree cutting at Marion Golf Club. Chairman Shaun Walsh visited the site and discussed the matter with one of the two principals leasing the club. Walsh said he advised them to cease and desist the activity between the two roads “because it may be jurisdictional.” He further advised them to hire a wetlands specialist to evaluate that area and any others where they plan to cut any trees. Walsh reported being told they had a forester, but the Conservation Commission had not been notified. Walsh walked the course and identified the areas for the principals where ConCom has jurisdiction.
In other votes, the Town of Marion received a Negative 2 Determination in the RDA filed to replace three fire hydrants at 33 Allen Street, 19 Holmes Street, and 17 Dexter Road.
Bruce Pawelczyk was issued an Order of Conditions to remove decks and walkways and install a proposed 12-foot by 24-foot addition to an existing side deck at 50 West Avenue.
ConCom conducted a site visit after the Town of Marion filed an RDA to install two 100-gallon propane tanks at Pumping Station Road. The conversion from oil was applauded. Facilities Manager Shaun Cormier represented the town. Because the hearing was introduced, it was continued to Wednesday, February 10.
In another new public hearing, Davignon represented Blankenship Trust LLC with its NOI for an inground swimming pool, patio, and retaining wall associated with the reconstruction of a house at 468 Point Road. The case was continued to Wednesday, February 10.
Karen Chacon’s RDA to build a ramp on the side of the house at 98 Dexter Road was continued to Wednesday, February 10.
The Michael R. Deland Trust of 1978 was issued a Certificate of Compliance for repairs to a long-standing concrete wall at 498C Point Road.
Walsh told the commission of several Chapter 91 Waterways license applications that have been submitted to the state Department of Environmental Protection for projects that have either been or will be heard by ConCom. Those included: Aucoot Cove Properties LLC at 98 Indian Cove Road; 122 Register Road LLC at 122 Register Road; Meadow Island Realty Trust at 34 Fraser Way; and at two addresses that will appear on ConCom’s next meeting agenda at 47 and 51 East Avenue.
Seeking opportunities to avoid dead space in meetings, ConCom decided to schedule multiple meetings at the same time with notification to interested parties. Walsh also sent out a notice that ConCom will strictly hold to filing deadlines as published at
The next meeting of the Marion Conservation Commission is scheduled for Wednesday, February 10, at 7:00 pm.
Marion Conservation Commission
By Mick Colageo