The sad reality is that suicides are rising globally. On August 22, the Mattapoisett Select Board moved to declare September as Suicide Prevention Month and September 10 as World Suicide Prevention Day. The proclamation notes that suicide is the 12th leading cause of death overall and the third leading cause of death for children ages 10 to 19. The proclamation urges communities to develop initiatives to reduce suicide through education, awareness and action.
In other business, Town Administrator Mike Lorenco updated the board on work to complete cleanup from the August 8 tornado and plans to review recovery efforts. Select Board member Jodi Bauer asked if something more could be done to handle questions related to recovery. She said, while the immediate response provided by police, fire, water and sewer and highway departments was excellent, it was the aftermath that left people wondering, “Who is coming to help?”
Board member Tyler Macallister said the storm was forecasted in detail as much as 36 hours before it hit. He wasn’t sure what more the town could do. “What this town really needs is another cell phone tower,” he said, adding that efforts to get residents on board with that growing need failed in prior town meetings. Regarding a new tower, Select Board member Jordan Collyer said, “It’s becoming a public-safety issue.”
It was noted that misinformation spread via social media created problems. Specifically noted was the misinformation that the Transfer Station would not take storm debris. Collyer said people should reach out to reliable sources for information versus “long strings” of chat on social media.
Lorenco asked the board to declare a State of Emergency effective August 8, which will allow the town to seek grants or reimbursement for unforeseen additional expenses. The board moved to do so.
Lorenco also reported that the Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District (SRPEDD) is preparing a statewide report on Priority Protection Areas and Priority Development Areas and updating a 10-year-old map. He said in a follow-up that it is unlikely well established PPA and PDA areas will have changed since last reviewed.
The Select Board agreed on Route 6 and Industrial Drive as the PDA locations and that protected areas are already under some form of protection. A committee will be established to assist SRPEDD with the process. The completed report will aid the state as it reviews and makes plans with such agencies as transportation.
An ADA self-evaluation will be taking place, Lorenco said. The evaluation will cover all town-owned buildings and specific sidewalks in the community. Once the self-evaluation is complete, it will be submitted to the Massachusetts Office on Disabilities. The submittal of the evaluation, along with a statement on nondiscrimination and another on grievance protocol, will pave the way for seeking grant funding to help hire a consultant to write a transition plan.
The board approved the use of ARPA funds to replace two computer servers headed for decommissioning in October. The estimated replacement costs are $10,000, but a $5,000 grant will be sought.
Regarding the Holy Ghost grounds, Lorenco said a survey is available at (the official town website) or may be completed via hardcopy available at Town Hall and the COA. The survey is an opportunity for the public to suggest ideas on uses for this 5-acre, town-owned property. He also shared that a grant for roughly $500,000 has been submitted for building upgrades to the existing structure.
The board also approved a trailer permit for 50 Brandt Island Road to Carl and Jeannette Junier.
They requested and received permission to live in the trailer until the end of September.
Also coming before the board was Ed King regarding the annual Cranberry Harvest bicycle ride by the Charles River Wheelers. King was assured that use of Shipyard Park for a rest stop would be fine, but to clear the ride with the town’s safety police officer.
The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Select Board was not scheduled upon adjournment
Mattapoisett Select Board
By Marilou Newell