Selectmen Get a Run Down on Town Budgets

The March 1 meeting of Mattapoisett’s Board of Selectmen began with a vote to accept a gift of land from Jeanne Downey. The parcel is situated near the Mattapoisett landing and park.

Town Administrator Michael Gagne said, “This gift is a tremendous opportunity for the town,” citing the need for more parking at the bike path in this area.

Selectman Paul Silva added that it was a very generous gift, given that the property is a buildable lot.

The remainder of the evening was dedicated to the selectmen meeting with all of the town’s department heads to briefly discuss relevant issues and opportunities.

Town Treasurer Brenda Herbeck said her department had faced difficulties this year from the amount of work they are now required to handle as a result of the Affordable Care Act.

Herbeck said that since there isn’t a standardized form for communities to use, each had to find a way to report as required by federal regulations. She added that, moving forward, this reporting would be completed more easily, but this year had been difficult.

Regarding the senior work-off program, Herbeck reported that this, too, took extra time and that Mattapoisett has 87 seniors participating in the program at a cost of $45,382.

“In my opinion,” said Gagne, “it’s the best $45,000 we spend.” He noted the importance of the work the seniors were doing. Selectman Jordan Collyer agreed.

The selectmen agreed with Herbeck’s request to review the program’s policy.

Town Accountant Suzanne Szyndlar reported that all financial records and computer programs are now backed up and protected with security systems. She also said the FY15 audit was nearly complete.

Director of Inspectional Services Andy Bobola discussed the use of the GIS system which will bring his department “into today’s technology,” as he stated it.

Bobola said that all construction permits would be online very soon, making it easier for inspectors in the field to verify the status of permits in real time.

He also shared, “[The] winter has been good … we’ve collected nearly a quarter million [dollars],” adding, “There is no end in sight.”

Jackie Coucci, director of the Council on Aging, pointed to the robust number of services and programs the center offers and the vitality of the community members accessing them. Movement programs, art history lessons, and medical rides to financial planning assistance were some of the programs she noted.

Gagne said that the COA would be receiving a retired sedan from the Police Department to assist in providing rides for residents in need.

Library Director Susan Pizzolato said while other public libraries were seeing a downturn, Mattapoisett’s library was seeing an increase.

Pizzolato told the selectmen that they received several types of grants that allowed the library to offer a greater range of services to their users such as readers’ advisory, literacy programs and advanced technologies.

But, when it came to the building itself she said, “The honeymoon is over in terms of it being a brand new building.” She will be discussing the building’s repair and maintenance needs with the Capital Planning Committee.

Gagne thanked Pizzolato for reaching across the aisle and lending a hand to other department heads on a regular basis.

Fire Chief Andrew Murray reported that his department had responded to 582 calls. He also noted that various members of the department had participated in Coast Guard rescue training, burning car training, forest and medical flight training, and that one member is now a CPR trainer.

Water and Sewer Superintendent Henry Renauld discussed the Route 6 water main upgrade, a 45-day project that will take place the first part of April. A temporary waterline will service those affected by the replacement project.

He is also applying for a $40,000 grant for a thorough study of the town’s water system, as well as feasibility for bringing public water up Mattapoisett Neck Road.

The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Board of Selectmen is scheduled for April 12 at 7:00 pm at the Mattapoisett Town Hall.

By Marilou Newell


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