Sometimes selectmen have to hold small meetings to address the small details of running a town, like on April 7 when a relatively full-looking agenda produced less than 20 minutes of meeting time.
The Rochester Board of Selectmen referred to the Planning Board its amendment of a proposed by-law pertaining to the flood plain districts in town that will appear on the May 19 Annual Town Meeting warrant.
Chairman Naida Parker commented that the by-law failed to receive Town Meeting approval during the fall, and Parker emphasized that Town Meeting members should accept the by-law as presented because it would save residents money on flood insurance rates.
Then the board approved a new town employee group health insurance policy that Town Administrator Richard LaCamera said brings Rochester into compliance with state and federal health insurance guidelines.
During his town administrator’s report, LaCamera asked selectmen if there were any further items, in addition to the ORCTV contract and the ORR cyber theft matter, that they want added to the Joint Boards of Selectmen meeting on April 10. No other business was recommended for inclusion on the agenda.
LaCamera said so far only reserve fund transfers will be featured on the May 19 Special Town Meeting, and the warrant should be ready for the selectmen to view at the April 21 meeting.
As for the fiscal year 2015 budget, Old Colony recently passed their budget with Rochester’s assessment totaling $800,695.
“There’s no millions in it,” said Parker sarcastically.
“Not yet,” replied Selectman Richard Nunes with cynicism.
ORR has passed their budget as well, and the Rochester School Committee approved their FY15 budget during their last meeting.
“We’re getting to the end of it,” said LaCamera about budget season winding down. “We’re pretty much ‘there’ now.”
The board thanked Rochester School Committee Chairman Michelle Cusolito for her years of service on the board. Cusolito did not run for re-election.
The board re-appointed Michael Gagliano to the Old Colony School Committee, and Parker reminded the public of the April 27 rabies clinic from 12:00 to 2:00 pm at the Grange on Hartley Road.
The next meeting of the Rochester Board of Selectmen is April 14 at 6:30 pm at Town Hall.
By Jean Perry