Rochester Country Fair Planning Underway

Rochester County Fair Co-chairman David Souza was pleased to announce that the planning for the 2012 Rochester Country Fair is right on schedule. Souza addressed the Board of Selectmen on the evening of Monday, March 19 at the Rochester Town Hall.

“It’s going very well,” said Souza. “Our main goal is to make everyone as happy as we can.”

Souza said the main change to the fair – aside from its new location on Pine Street – would be the construction of a bathroom and implementation of a septic system. The planning committee would be in charge of digging the well for the system.

The building would be a permanent fixture of the fairgrounds and would likely resemble a barn in order to blend in well with its surroundings. Souza said they are awaiting the final site plans from Charon Associates so they can begin landscaping work and fence building on the area. The Selectmen were pleased with Souza and the committee’s progress thus far.

“Keep up the enthusiasm,” said Selectmen Chairman Bradford Morse.

The Water Commission expressed a desire to start a long-term planning project for how Rochester receives its water. As it stands presently, Rochester gets it water from a combination of places, including lines that run from Marion down Route 105 and into town as well as Wareham and occasionally New Bedford.

The Commission warned that Rochester technically doesn’t have rights to any sources of water, and given the town’s history, most specifically during the 1960’s and 1980’s, there is a possibility of drought. In order to prevent this from happening, the commission would like to study the demographics of the town and start putting a plan into action so Rochester can start putting money aside to gain rights for their own water sources.

The Selectmen are curious to see how the Water Commission does in its inaugural year.

“It’s the maiden voyage,” said Selectman Richard Nunes. “Good luck.”

The Park Commission is looking for another member after the Selectmen approved the resignation of Ben Philbrook. The Old Colony School Committee is also looking for another member. Both positions are appointed, and all interested candidates can get more information at Rochester Town Hall.

Town Administrator Richard LaCamera was pleased to announce that a lock box the town recently acquired has been placed outside of Town Hall. The box will serve as a collection bin for tax payments, including property and excise taxes, as well as census forms. All payments must be paid in the form of a check. LaCamera said the lock box provides a convenient, 24/7 way for residents to pay their bills without having to spend money on postage.

The Rochester Board of Selectmen will meet again on Monday, March 26 at 7:00 pm.

By Katy Fitzpatrick

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