RMS to Start School Newspaper

It seems that some students with a nose for news will be starting up a digital school newspaper of sorts at Rochester Memorial School, Principal Derek Medeiros told the Rochester School Committee on January 5.

“We’re pretty excited about it,” said Medeiros. “Ever since I started at RMS, I’ve had a student or a group of students talk about a school newspaper.”

RMS did have a school paper of its own, but that was many years ago, Medeiros said.

Instead of the traditional paper and ink newspaper, Medeiros said the students and staff assisting the students would incorporate the use of digital technology via video recorded interviews culminating from the students’ research, investigation, and writing.

Students will begin by interviewing different staff members in the school to piece together video interviews that, after editing, can be posted to the school’s website and shared digitally perhaps during morning all-school meetings, said Medeiros.

News anchors will present on the video and editing and tech students will fine-tune the final work.

Students and staff have chosen Wednesday afternoons after school as the time to meet to work on their ongoing news project.

“They’re really excited about it, and we’re looking forward to those episodes starting to come out,” said Medeiros.

School Committee members approved of the digital school newspaper idea.

“It’s a great response to something that was initiated by students,” said School Committee member Robin Rounseville.

In other matters, Business Administrator Patrick Spencer said FY17 budgetary matters at RMS were all on track for the middle of the fiscal year.

“At this point, we’re in a very good place,” Spencer said.

Also, the food service department revenue is up with slight increases in school breakfast and lunch participation.

So far, revenue stands at about $64,000, with expenditures to date at $58,000. A net surplus of roughly $5,700, said Spencer, is important because some equipment upgrades and replacements on the horizon will be fully paid for by revenue without having to seek funding through the town budget.

Food Services Director Jill Hennessey said breakfast participation is up 1% from last year to 8%. Last year, lunch participation was at 32% and this year it is up to 40%.

“So, we are steadily increasing,” Hennessey stated.

The next meeting of the Rochester School Committee is scheduled for February 2 at 6:30 pm at the Rochester Town Hall.

By Jean Perry


One Response to “RMS to Start School Newspaper”

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  1. Tisha says:

    Sounds pretty awesome!

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