RMS Cancels After School Activities Program

Rochester Memorial School PTO has cancelled all after school activities for the autumn, with no guarantee that they will resume for the spring semester.

                  When asked during the public comments portion of the October 5 meeting of the Rochester School Committee, White deferred until after the meeting to answer questions.

                  According to White, the PTO made the decision to cancel the teacher-run after-school activities program the week of September 17.

                  “We didn’t have the personnel to run the activities,” he said.  White was unable to comment on whether or not the activities cancellation was an effect of the current contract negotiations between the Rochester Teachers Association and the Rochester School Committee.

                  “We’re working to make sure we can provide the best support for our kids both during the school day and afterward, and we continue to look for opportunities to help the kids,” White said.

                  Tina Rood, PTO treasurer, did not return a phone call requesting a comment.

                  Dr. Moira Rodgers, Rochester Memorial School’s new principal, did not respond to questions during the recent school committee meeting nor did she return phone call seeking comment on the situation.

                  White encouraged members of the community seeking after-school programs to register at the local YMCA.

By Eric Tripoli

One Response to “RMS Cancels After School Activities Program”

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  1. Stephanie Rizzo says:

    A lot of activities have been cancelled at the JHS too — juggling, geek club, ping-pong, intramural sports, basketball, and some others — probably due to teachers being without a contract for the 2nd year.

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