Coming before the Planning Board with completely new plans for 14 Barstow Street, Bruce Rocha with his architect, Anthi Frangiadis displayed detailed plans including a concept drawing of the completed building. Prior to hearing, noting the applicant’s rationale for coming back before the board, Chairman Tucker reminded the public attendees that the board would not be approving plans, that that application would be taken up by the Zoning Board of Appeals at a later date. Because the original plans were rejected by the ZBA as being too large for the neighborhood, Rocha and Frangiadis went back to the drawing board. The original plan included a house that was 36’ wide. The new design is only 19.5 with 10’ setback. The parcel is in a flood zone, therefore all utilities will be situated on the second story of the structure and it will be slab on grade. With no comments or questions from a group clearly present for this hearing alone, the application was accepted and they may now bring the plan to the ZBA for their consideration.
Roxanne Bungert, represented by her husband, requested a correction to lots located on River Bend Lane. An error made by Earl Phillips for property he purchased from Bungert noted a piece of land that was never intended as part of his purchase. With corrections necessary for clarity at banking institutions and the registry of deeds the board voted to make the necessary corrections to town plans and have Andy Bobola, Building Inspector write a letter for Bungert to present to the bank.
With the hearings completed for the evening the board members returned to discussions for repairing and improving language in several by-laws, part of a larger intuitive for all by-laws. Chairman Tucker again noted for the public that the board was not re-writing by-laws but was attempting to improve the text and make them easier to work with and understand. They have now completed trailers, screening, parking, signage, and common driveways. The updated by-laws will be brought to a public hearing proposed for February 3, 2014 during a regular meeting of the Planning Board. During January they will continue with their review and modifications taking on Marine Residences.
The next meeting is scheduled for December 16 at 7pm in the Town Hall conference room.
By Marilou Newell