Mattapoisett Water Superintendent Henri Renauld updated the Mattapoisett Select Board and the public on the latest efforts aimed at identifying where and how contamination seeped into the Mattapoisett River Valley Water District treatment plant and what measures are being taken to fix the problem.
Renauld said that on October 5 and 6, water samplings throughout the multi-town public water system were tested and found to be contaminated with E. coli, resulting in a system-wide boil water order being sent to the towns of Fairhaven, Mattapoisett, Marion, and Rochester.
Immediate steps were taken to remove the bacteria by flushing the system, and subsequent water samples from Mattapoisett well heads tested negative, according to Renauld. However, given that the source of the contamination was ongoing and that other samples were still not clear, the multi-town boil water order will remain in place at least until Friday, October 15. Renauld said his department is working closely with and under the guidance of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection and as such is following sampling protocols.
Regarding the matter of how E. coli was able to infiltrate the water system, Renauld said a suspected crack inside the well owned by Fairhaven on Tinkham Lane could be the source. He said that well was immediately removed from service. He said they needed to investigate the raw water entering the system to help determine possible sources for contamination. “We are going step-by-step” to avoid a recurrence, he said, and the board thanked Renauld for his work in addressing the problem.
Moving on to other matters, the board discussed the Fall Special Town Meeting Warrant Articles, weighing in on several. Town Administrator Mike Lorenco said that the latest free cash estimate now stands at $2 million “It’s the highest amount the town has ever had,” he said. Contributing to that large sum were decreased spending, Cares Act money, and revenue.
The articles being proposed and mainly agreed upon on this night contained such highlights as $100,000 for OPEB, a $150,000 appropriation to the Debt Stabilization Fund, a $150,000 appropriation to the Capital Stabilization Fund, $36,000 for annual cyclical property revaluation and town mapping, $15,000 for Employee Education Incentive (primarily for several Highway Department employees to train for CDL licenses), and $36,000 for a part-time clerk in the Accounting Department.
The board also discussed the proposed Article 6 that will ask Town Meeting to approve the purchase of a new fire engine at $650,000, a new Ford 550 truck for the Highway Department estimated at $70,000, and repairs to the transfer station loader for $35,000.
A new type of fund debuting in the warrant will ask the voters to appropriate $50,000 for a Grant Matching Fund. Lorenco said that with the number grants the town is seeking, many of which require the town to contribute money, the fund would help manage grant financial impacts.
Old Rochester Regional School District articles will also be part of the warrant with one asking to amend and restate the regional agreement and another for the establishment of a stabilization fund to pay for repairs, renovations and improvements.
Lorenco also shared that the Planning Board was preparing for and hoped to hold public hearings in advance of Town Meeting for a new Solar Bylaw. However, the board members were unanimous in their belief that more time is needed to thoroughly vet a new bylaw. Lorenco also confirmed that the town has now grown sufficiently to warrant another voting precinct as mandated by the state. Town meeting will be asked to approve a $7,000 expenditure for new voting equipment. The board will meet again on Friday, October 22, at 1:00 pm to finalize the warrant for posting.
The board also met with members of the Friends of the Mattapoisett Bike Path to continue discussions on the type and placement of benches and bike racks along the Mattapoisett pathway that they will be contributing. The board members plan to meet with the volunteer group at the intersection of Depot Street and Goodspeed Island to walk part of the pathway and discuss the number of benches and racks needed and where they may be placed.
The next regular meeting of the Mattapoisett Select Board is scheduled for Tuesday, October 26, at 6:30 pm.