Randall Lane Solar Clears Review

The Randall Lane LLC Notice of Intent filing for a large solar array planned off Randall Lane will receive an Order of Conditions.

            At the reopened public hearing, project representative Eric Las of Beals and Thomas said that Planning Board review was finalizing its decision and that the public hearing for that board’s oversight had been closed. Las said that fencing previously planned inside the flood zone was moved. He confirmed that the project as now presented will not change.

            None of the commissioners nor Conservation Agent Brandon Faneuf had any questions or comments during ConCom’s December 13 meeting. The public hearing was closed.

            However, commissioner Chapman Dickers whose home is located adjacent to the property in question said that neighbors are concerned that their private wells would be impacted as had been the case during the construction of Route 195.

            Chairman Mike King said, “I can’t imagine there’ll be a problem,” calling the scope of construction “low impact.” King added, “I’m sure they’ll be respectful of Mattapoisett.” Las will return to the commission at its next scheduled meeting to receive an Order of Conditions.

            In other business, a residential home site located on the barrier beach along Cove Street also received favorable comments from the commission. The NOI was filed by David Ricci and represented by Bob Field of Field Engineering.

            The plan includes an elevated home of approximately 900 square feet on the shore side of the roadway and a two-car parking area on the opposite side of the street on a separate lot.

            The project received conditions that include maintenance of beach grasses into perpetuity,

as well as eradication of knotweed into perpetuity. It was also agreed that several red cedar trees would be planted.

            The commission ratified an after-the-fact filing by the Mattapoisett Highway Department for the cleaning of storm drains and associated structures at Gray Drive. The commissioners worked for nearly 30 minutes with Faneuf reviewing their standard special condition document making edits as agreed upon and then voting to accept the updated document.

            Chris Neill of Woodwell Climate Research Center came before the board seeking permission to install a water gauge in Tripp Mill outfall for study of nitrogen, a project WCRC is working on in collaboration with the Buzzards Bay Coalition. He was advised to file a Request for Determination of Applicability which would be at no charge to the non-profit organization and to return to the commission at the next scheduled meeting.

            The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission is scheduled for Monday, December 27, at 6:30 pm.

Mattapoisett Conservation Commission

By Marilou Newell

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