Progress for Three Projects

Three projects in different vetting stages made up the bulk of the agenda at Tuesday night’s meeting of the Marion Planning Board: a Pre-Submission Conference for Papa’s Real Estate on Luce Avenue, a continued public hearing for 78 Wareham Road and a public hearing for a project proposed by FSJ Marion Realty at 207-215 Wareham Road.

            In the case of Papa’s Real Estate, a motion was made and passed to request a 53G account to cover the town’s expenses related to major site-plan review. The board approved a request to authorize Town Planner Doug Guey-Lee to search out and hire a peer-review consultant without returning to the board for approval.

            Developer Matt Zuker was present for the continued public hearing on his Special Permit to construct a residential village at        78 Wareham Road.

            Discussion of the site-plan review focused on drainage and continuing to work with the town’s Conservation Commission, the Environmental Protection Agency and the neighboring development (Heron Cove) to pursue approval for any required waivers and ensure protection of wildlife.

            Other issues addressed included the board’s wish that Zuker enhance the design for the main entrance from Route 6 to make it highly visible and easily accessed. The board also discussed the potential for making what is now a gravel drive into a walking trail.

            Zuker emphasized that he welcomes communication with the public and other parties throughout the process and will make himself available as often as needed. Eileen Marum and other members expressed appreciation for his efforts.

            As expected, the case was continued.

            Bob Rogers of G.A.F. Engineering represented FSJ Marion Realty in a proposal to add units at the 207-215 Wareham Street housing site. Jennifer Jones of FSJ was present and took questions. Much of the discussion centered on increasing stormwater drainage, while enhancing the water and sewer systems.

            FSJ is also working with the Marion Conservation Commission to determine the status of a stream on the property that could be “intermittent” or “perennial” and if the property can be considered riverfront, factors that could affect compliance.

            The board again deferred the appointment of a peer-review consultant for the major site-plan review to Guey-Lee.

            There was public comment on this project. Members of a family whose houses and yards abut the current development stated that there needs to be more distinct differentiation between the properties – whether through signage, fencing or other solutions. They reported that children and teenagers residing in the development continually come onto their property, creating not only a nuisance but risk of being in their driveway with cars coming and going. Adults, particularly visitors to residents, reportedly ignore property boundaries and park in their yards.

            It was suggested and agreed that Jones would take up these issues by meeting with those present to follow up with action steps both for those now in the development and to be aware of the issue while adding the new units.

            The public hearing was continued to October 21 at 7:05 pm.

            Before consideration of the projects, board members engaged in an extended discussion of the minutes from their August 5 and August 19 meetings. These were neither approved nor amended but passed over for future discussion. It was pointed out that other town committees rely on an administrative staff person, rather than a committee member, to produce minutes, and that adding that function to existing staff’s duties would meet no objection from Guey-Lee. A motion was made to affect such a change but was defeated by a 4-3 vote.

            In other business, the board approved a bill due to SPREDD in the amount of $45.

            The next meeting of the Marion Planning Board will be held on Monday, October 7, at 7:00 pm at the Police Station on Route 6.

Marion Planning Board

By Mary McCann Fiske

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