Planned Private Pier Reviewed

            Coming before the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission on June 26 was David Davignon of Schneider, Davignon & Leone, Inc., representing the Lisa Muller Trust Declaration regarding a proposed residential pier at 89 Mattapoisett Neck Road.

            The structure as described by Davignon will feature a board walkway over marsh, advancing towards the pier where a floating dock will be located. He said that beachgoers with access to the private waterside via private properties and those walking along the high-tide mark will be able to traverse the wooden platform, thus it will not impede recreational use of the area.

            Davignon shared that there is a mapped eel-grass meadow in the area but that the meadow will be 10 feet off the pier. In the offseason, the floating dock will be elevated out of harm’s way versus removed and stored elsewhere, Davignon explained.

            It was determined that any concerns regarding sand movement under the pier will be reviewed and regulated by agencies such as the state Division of Marine Fisheries and the Army Corps of Engineers. Concerns of this nature were raised by Colin Everett, 144 Fairhaven Road.

            Everett also inquired as to the size of the pier which is planned to be 74 feet of fixed structure with an additional 28 feet for the gangway and float. The Notice of Intent filing was continued until July 10.

            Also continued was a Request for Determination of Applicability filed by Andris Rieksts and Lisa Francis, 0 Park Place, for the construction of a single-family home on a previously approved, two-lot subdivision. Also represented by Davignon, the project presentation detailed that a retaining wall will encircle the entire footprint of the home and that the owner will be responsible for water and sewer piping from the end of the public service.

            The filing was continued to July 10 to give Davignon time to update the engineered drawings to include, among other things, drainage from the roof.

            Before adjourning, Chairman Mike King was voted into another tour of duty as the chair and newest member David Nicolosi as clerk.

            The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission is scheduled for Monday, July 10, at 6:30 pm.

Mattapoisett Conservation Commission

By Marilou Newell

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