A Notice of Intent by Christopher Kmiec to relocate a pile of large rocks at 14 Aucoot Avenue was discussed at the Marion Conservation Commission’s meeting on Wednesday evening. The request noted that the rocks will be placed in a row a minimum of 15 feet from the bordering vegetated wetland line and landward of an existing stone and masonry wall running the bordering vegetative wetland line.
Susan Nilson, of CLE Engineering represented the applicant, who also attended the meeting and addressed the board. The property is located in a flood zone.
“What is the purpose?” asked board member Joel Hartley, “it doesn’t appear to be a sea wall.”
“We are not creating a sea wall or intend to create a dissipation of wave energy, said Neilson. The applicant proposed placing the rocks one foot apart in a row. Board members discussed the request and determined that the rocks should have a minimum separation of at least one foot and be no higher than 3 feet and that no more rocks should be brought onto the site. Members also asked for a new site plan showing what the rock placement will look like. The board closed the hearing.
In other business, a Request for Determination of Applicability to confirm that the stream running through the property at 468 and 470 Point Road, in a northerly-southerly direction meets the definition of an intermittent stream. The applicant, Blankenship Trust, LLC is not proposing that any work be done on the site.
The neighbor of the above applicant, N. George Host and Laurie A. Host of 456 Point Road also filed a Request for Determination to ask if the same stream running through their property meets the definition of an intermittent stream. Again, no work is being proposed on the property. The board agreed to look into the new state regulations regarding how long the area could be dry before declaring it an intermittent stream. The board agreed to look into the two requests and closed the hearing.
The board discussed a request for a Certificate of Compliance for razing the dwelling, constructing a new dwelling, driveway and sewage disposal system and filling and grading at 814 Mill Street on behalf of owners Carl and Karen Correia. The board approved the certificate with the condition that the area beyond the hay bale area should not be walked on.
The board also approved a Certificate of Compliance for the Sardinha Family Trust at 454 Wareham Street, (Always in Bloom) for expanding a gravel parking area, installing a landscape berm and constructing a storm water management system.
Lastly, the board spoke with Cynthia Callow Trinidad who applied to be an associate member of the Conservation Commission.
By Joan Hartnett-Barry