After three complaints and a failure to keep his pit bull leashed – Jeffrey Froh of 6 Stevens Road has been ordered by the Board of Selectmen to remove his dog from the town of Rochester within 15 days.
The pit bull currently is under a restraining order after attacking two separate dogs from two owners in April and September. Jennifer Kulak of 236 High Street – who submitted the first complaint in April –sent the latest animal control complaint after a second dog of hers was attacked on November 13.
Ms. Kulak, present at the Selectmen’s November 21 hearing on the matter, described the incident. “I heard a horrible noise, and the dog charged after me,” she said.
At the meeting, the board acknowledged a letter by Kimberly Froh, who offered to find a new home for the pit bull as soon as possible. They then voted to ban the dog from town after 15 days, ruling that any community receiving the dog must be notified of its past offenses.
“If not adopted, it has to be euthanized,” added Selectman Naida Parker.
In other matters, Town Administrator Richard LaCamera said the ORCTV negotiating committee – composed of Town Administrators and one representative from Mattapoisett, Marion and Rochester – recently met to discuss the community station’s contract.
The renewal of the contract was held up in the fall of 2010 due to concerns from Mattapoisett officials who felt that the town hands over an unfair portion of its PEG fees to ORCTV. Mattapoisett differs from Marion and Rochester because it films its government meetings independently from the community station.
Mr. LaCamera said that contract is set to expire on December 1, but it looks “pretty much set” for a three-year renewal due to contract changes made at the recent meeting.
“We made some changes to satisfy requirement of Mattapoisett,” he said, without going into detail. Mr. LaCamera expects that the Tri-Town Board of Selectmen will meet soon to finalize the matter.
Ms. LaCamera also mentioned that the Plymouth County Annual Budget Hearing is scheduled for December 8. He said a part of the budget concerns mosquito control.
“There has been concern from residents about spraying last spring and summer. I want to make people aware that they have the opportunity to express their concerns at the meeting,” he said. The board referred interested individuals to
Richard Nunes also made a public announcement that the town is seeking three individuals interesting in serving as water commissioners.
Also at the meeting:
• The board appointed David Smith to a one-year term on the Agricultural Commission, Kirby Gilmore as an alternate member of the Zoning Board of Appeals, and James Austin to the Finance Committee
• The board announced that the SEMASS payment in lieu of taxes for the month of October is $300,267
• The tree lighting is scheduled for Monday, December 5 at 6:00 pm.
• Old Colony Regional and Technical High School will host a 10-mile road race on Saturday, January 21, 2012 at 9:00 am.
Laura Fedak Pedulli