The Marion Conservation Commission met Wednesday, March 12 for various public hearings on Requests for Determination and Notices of Intent.
The first hearing was for a Request for Determination of Applicability for the construction of an addition at 882 Point Road made by Mathew Scaria. There would be two additions, one to the kitchen/dining area and the other to the bathroom of the bedroom. A short discussion on flood zones and foundations emerged, though the hearing was closed quickly without many other questions or public comments.
The next hearing was for the upgrade of septic systems at 80 Delano Road to meet Title V standards, filed by Marion LLC. The representative from Marion LLC stated the work would be done to have as little of an effect as possible on the surrounding area. The hearing was closed with no public comments.
The third hearing was for 22 River View Lane and the removal of trees, limb pruning, stump grinding, and renewal of invasive plant remediation filed by Fred Trezise. Trezise explained “this is the third time over the course of eight to ten years that we’ve come before the Conservation Commission for essentially the exact same reason, which is tree removal.” The property sits on the Sippican River. Whether it be diseased or shallow rooted, Trezise explained, the owners have tried to keep up with the property’s vegetation and its disease. The owner was seeking consultation and recommendations for the proper course of action. The hearing was closed with no signs of opposition.
Kevin Medeiros of 0 Cross Neck Road had a hearing for a Notice of Intent for the construction of a new single-family dwelling. Since the lot is wooded and vacant, the applicant explained, it is still registered as “0” Cross Neck Road without an assigned street number. Mark from Marion LLC was identified as having flagged wetland areas and other notable vegetations of the site. It was discussed whether the property would be tied into available town water and sewer due to its availability and proximity. Medeiros stated they would not, and that he merely purchased the site for development and to sell the home upon its completion. The proposed house will have four bedrooms. No public comments were made, and the hearing was continued to later.
The final hearing was for Albert Fox of 173 Front Street and the Notice of Intent for the repair of stone foundations of the property’s pier. The existing foundations were said to be loose, with work being done to replace these foundations with concrete. The land is very muddy and soft, meaning workers would put stones and grout to shore up the area. It was stated work will be done by hand, including the mixing of concrete. Similar to the previous hearing, this was also concluded to the next Conservation Commission meeting.
The next meeting of the Marion Conservation Commission will take place Wednesday, March 26 at 7:00 pm in the Marion Police Department Conference Room.
Marion Conservation Commission
By Sam Bishop