Marion Select Board member Randy Parker’s effort to get a second line of conduit under Front Street as a placeholder in addition to the work proposed by NSTAR Electric Company (Eversource Energy) appears successful after discussion at Tuesday night’s public meeting of the board concluded with an agreement that Eversource representative Faye Sweatman will coordinate with Verizon New England to make that happen.
Parker, the Select Board’s resident electrician, sought the extra line to prevent a potential scenario whereby the town would be asked to once again dig up the road when he expects it will eventually be determined that optic fibers presently above ground need to go underground. He wants all the infrastructure done before the road is resurfaced.
“The pole can’t be pulled out until we get everything underground,” said Parker. “We just want somebody to do it, that’s all. … I almost want to go down and do it myself, it’s so easy.”
The project being considered will move above-ground equipment below ground but not everything Parker believes will eventually go underground.
Town Administrator Geoff Gorman clarified for Sweatman that the project has been approved but with the caveat of adding the second line of conduit so the town can avoid an unnecessary excavation. Gorman said that should the project be arranged as requested, no subsequent meeting with the Select Board will be necessary.
The discussion took place on the heels of a 6:15 pm continued public hearing for a new pole installation on South Street, a case originally heard on May 21.
The continued public hearing also brought Don Voner of Verizon New England to the Select Board. Voner reported having just visited the South Street site and seeing the pole mark. He said he had been instructed that the purpose of the project is to upgrade Eversource facilities in the area, along South Street.
Parker said he remained “a little puzzled” to see an additional pole between two existing poles but without a specific application to a service not currently provided. Parker nonetheless made a motion to approve the new pole on South Street.
Before presenting two hires for the Select Board’s consideration, Marion Police Chief Richard Nighelli took the opportunity to update the board on Tuesday’s statewide outage of 911 emergency service.
Nighelli said that the town’s 911 service was fully restored and that during the outage, one station was down and the other operational. “For 30 minutes, didn’t have either,” said Nighelli, suggesting that residents make the Police Department’s business line (508-748-1212) a contact in their cell phones. He said this is the second time 911 has gone down in the past three months.
Nighelli requested the appointment of Kayla Sylvia as a full-time police officer. Sylvia was not able to attend because she was on her honeymoon. The April 2018 police-academy graduate currently serving in the New Bedford Police Department has six years of experience. Nighelli said Sylvia will earn a second degree this year in wildlife conservation. The board approved her hire for the standard, one-year probationary period.
The board also approved Nighelli’s request to appoint James MacDonald as a part-time “special” police officer. MacDonald works in the Plymouth County Sheriff’s Department and has several certifications, including automotive technician and firearms instructor. Nighelli said MacDonald has responded to numerous recent incidents. His appointment becomes effective on June 23 for a one-year probationary period.
The board also approved the appointment of Robbi Dunn Tracy to the Affordable Housing Trust as an associate member, per the trust’s recommendation.
Reappointments of boards and committee members also included the upgrade of Conservation Commission associate member Millie Seeberg to that of full, voting member.
Ever Ortiz, whose application to the Planning Board to operate a car dealership at 13 Washburn Lane drew much in the way of public comment from abutters, was approved for a Car Dealer Class II License in the name of Ever Auto Sales. Ortiz explained to the Select Board that vehicles will be pre-ordered and quickly moved off site, resulting in no more than two vehicles on site at any one time.
In his Town Administrator’s Report, Gorman said a second annual Employee Appreciation Day will be held on Tuesday, June 25, at 12:00 pm at the Cushing Community Center pavilion. Town Hall will close at lunch time and not reopen until the next morning.
Opportunities to march in the July 4 Independence Day Parade are still available. Executive Assistant Donna Hemphill reported that four sailors are expected to march, and a World War II veteran will be among those riding in vehicles.
The Town Fireworks to be held on Saturday, July 6 (rain date July 7). Gorman expressed his appreciation to the Fireworks Committee for successfully putting together the event for a third straight year. He estimated the cost at $67,000.
Marion’s annual Town Party is scheduled for August 24 at Silvershell Beach; the town is seeking donations to offset the cost.
Gorman reported that the Department of Public Works and Highway Division are improving parking at the Point Road playground. Features include a painted crosswalk with a flashing crosswalk sign planned. “We are not ignoring their concerns,” he said.
Select Board Chairman Norm Hills said traffic on Front Street has become dangerous with drivers running lights, characterizing their treatment of red lights as “stoptional.”
Gorman publicly welcomed Jennifer Stewart to the town’s administrative team and Nicholas Gioni to the town’s labor force at the Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Hemphill noted that Silvershell Beach is open and that parking stickers issued by the Town of Rochester and Marion Guest passes are required year-round, not just in season.
In other action items, the Select Board approved the First Congregational Church’s request to close Main Street between School and Front streets on July 27 between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm for its annual Summer Fair.
The board approved Louisa Bergsma as the new manager at the Kittansett Club, 11 Point Road.
The board approved a change of date on a previously approved One Day Alcohol Beverage License for the Marion Social Club, 44 Pumping Station Road from July 21 to July 14.
The board approved a One Day Alcohol Beverage License – With a Twist/Katie Massey – Bartender – for the Marion Art Center’s Cocktails by the Sea fundraiser to be held on Friday, July 26, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm at Tabor Academy, 245 Front Street.
The board accepted a $100 donation to support fire equipment to the Marion Fire Department from Alice and Harry Curtis.
The board approved the donation of a 4-inch, Marion Fire Department supply hose to the Farmington, New Hampshire, Fire Department. The hose had been removed from the town’s decommissioned ladder truck. Gorman said the donation will not impact the department’s readiness.
After its third read of proposed increases to the Music Hall fee schedule, the board approved the policy as printed with one edit to clarify a Marion residency discount.
Sherman Briggs’ Water Abatement request for $1,722.71 that he had been billed since selling the Spring Street (bike path) property on December 6, 2013, was approved. Parker said there is no meter and the building was demolished. Baldwin Brothers is now at the site and has its own 2-inch main with associated water service.
Water/Sewer commitments were approved for $155 (sewer replacement May 6), $1,866.48 (final readings May 31) and $853.56 (final readings June 11).
The next meeting of the Marion Select Board is scheduled for Tuesday, July 2, at 6:00 pm.
Marion Select Board
By Mick Colageo