The budget subcommittee has started meeting regularly, Superintendent of Schools Doug White told the Old Rochester Regional School Committee on January 11, and working around some initial budget numbers.
“What we’re trying to do now is really tell the story about what that number means and what we’d like to see supported going forward,” said White.
Building the budget is not just about what needs support now, said White, but also what is still left there waiting for funding.
“How do we do that?” asked White. “How do we get people to understand that?”
The budget subcommittee was set to meet again that following Wednesday.
“The [sub]committee is still debating on what we would like to see going forward,” said White, emphasizing that there are three towns and four budgets vying for funding.
The ORR School Committee had initially scheduled a public hearing for budget review on March 1, but White requested that the committee extend that date until March 20, the deadline for when the school would have to legally present the budget to the three towns.
That gives the subcommittee two months to build the budget, “And make sure that we’re in a good space,” said White.
In other matters, the committee voted in favor of contributing $500 in legal fees towards the Massachusetts Association of Regional Schools (MARS), of which Old Rochester Regional is a member.
MARS is an organization that works with legislators in Boston on matters that have an impact on regional schools.
ORR pays a fee each year as a member, but in the past the school has, when asked, contributed an extra sum to a legal fees fund when direct legislative action is imminent.
For example, said White, a couple of years ago, regional transportation was cut back and MARS took the fight to Beacon Hill. Two years ago, ORR voted to make a special contribution at that time.
“Is there something on the horizon that you’re seeing?” asked ORR School Committee member Tina Rood.
White said consideration of the Chapter 70 formula for regional school transportation reimbursements was an issue in which regionalized schools have expressed urgency.
The committee approved a contribution of $500.
The next meeting of the Old Rochester Regional School Committee is scheduled for March 20 at 6:30 pm at the ORRJHS media room.
By Jean Perry