Open Space Not for Yard Waste

            Trees are expected to be obstacles to the Point Road Path — but not yard waste. To that end, the August 5 meeting of the Marion Open Space Acquisition Commission discussed ways to get that message across to the pathway’s abutters on Joanne Drive.

            Having asked new MOSAC member Deb Ewing to write a draft letter, Commission Chair John Rockwell offered his own version that was admittedly pointed.

            Rockwell read his draft, introducing the topic by noting the small fire last year on Sippican Lands Trust property, followed by MOSAC’s hope that Marion’s Fire Department gains access to the large interior wooded parcel in case of a fire. Improvements to the access road would be needed near the stormwater basin to pave the way.

            Alluding to his latest visit with MOSAC member Amanda Chace, Rockwell noticed places where yard waste had been dumped.

            “The town open space is not there to be a leaf dump or brush pile,” read Rockwell, pausing to invite suggestions on how the letter might be better received. He noted the difference between leaves and grass clippings, which make effective compost, and brush, which is conducive to spreading fire. “If you’re not sure where your property ends and the town property starts, please contact us so we can work with you to determine the property boundaries.”

            Agreeing with Rockwell’s opinion that Ewing’s draft letter would be appropriate for a more general audience notice, Chace suggested grouping Rockwell’s final paragraph with the “leaf dump” statement and opening it with “As a reminder…”

            “I like the tone of Deb’s letter more than I like the tone of mine,” said Rockwell, who at the time of the meeting was trying to find out if the town is taking yard waste. Town Administrator Jay McGrail has since confirmed that Marion does accept yard waste.

            In explaining why no MOSAC members replied to Ewing’s email sharing the draft letter that Rockwell asked her to write, Rockwell explained the implications of Open Meeting Law, including in emails where he advised commission members to “never hit ‘reply all.'”

            Two commission members can discuss a matter in person, by phone, or via email or some other online platform, but a third member represents a quorum and any substantive discussion violates the state’s Open Meeting Law.

            “This is what I do,” explained Rockwell. “I send something out and say, ‘This is for discussion at the next meeting.'”

            In their early-August visit to Point Road, Rockwell and Chace set offset stakes for the centerline of the path, expanding on the first 500 feet to reach 1,000.

            Over the first 1,000 feet, the pathway avoiding large trees, but with 2,000 feet remaining, some trees at the curve near Joanne Drive cannot be avoided, according to Rockwell. “It’s that last thousand that’s problematic for us,” he said. “It’s a little bit windier, but it will save us some money from tree removal.”

            Every tree that the pathway can avoid eliminating saves the project $1,500 for tree removal plus $400 more to remove the stump. Five trees salvaged adds up to $10,000 that can be spent another way, said Rockwell.

            Rockwell hopes that the Marion Department of Public Works can assist with the underbrush clearing, making it easier to access the pathway. “They do have a crew that’s capable, and they do have a woodchipper,” said Rockwell, who is pleased that the DPW is using local firm G.A.F. Engineering. “I’m sort of glad they got them; they do decent work. … Every dollar counts. … The most satisfying thing in a project is if you can turn money back.”

            “At the very least, it’s more money for unforeseen costs,” said Chace.

            Attending as a guest, former MOSAC Vice Chairman Alan Harris asked if Grassi Bog is scheduled to get its grass cut again. The grass there has been cut once this year. Rockwell said he would send DPW Director Nathaniel Munafo all of MOSAC’s maintenance protocols to ensure they carry over from before the department’s reorganization.

            The next meeting of the Marion Open Space Acquisition Commission will be held on Thursday, September 2, at 7:00 pm.

Marion Open Space Acquisition Commission

By Mick Colageo

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