One and a Half Requests Approved

The Marion Zoning Board of Appeals met Thursday, December 12 to discuss plans to construct on two lots and permit requests for those. The first is 56 West Ave. where seawall repairs are needed as well as a kitchen renovation and expansion. The current architect’s equipment is too large to approach the seawall on the property, therefore the house’s garage is to be demolished to make way for the equipment to travel to the wall from the street.

            After the wall is repaired, work would then begin on kitchen renovation where the room would be expanded in two directions, towards the street and in the direction of the seawall. A garage would also be rebuilt, though smaller and only big enough for one car on the north side of the property. Due to these additions adding to the property’s area non-conformity as well as the general increase in housing square footage, a special permit is requested. The project was approved by the board unanimously.

            While waiting for paperwork to be assembled, the board approved the minutes from their last regular meeting on July 11.

            The next special permit request was for 70 Water Street and the demolition of a detached guest cottage. In its place would be a 10x15ft utility shed in the corner of the property. Abutter Bill Vrattos says great care is necessary due to the area’s historic instances of flooding during rainstorms during the winter and spring. This is in order to not exacerbate the issue, Vrattos said in a note to the board. To the Zoning Board of Appeals, the Board of Health requested cleaning the guest house of asbestos before demolition.

            For the two special permits, Board Member Dana Nilson requested the one for demolishing the cottage be approved but the one for the shed was continued to a later date. He also requested a setback survey be done. This was approved unanimously with the hopes that the survey is complete in time for the next meeting.

            Next meeting of the Marion Zoning Board of Appeals is set for January 9 at the Marion Police Station.

Marion Zoning Board of Appeals

By Sam Bishop

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