OHS to Serve School Breakfast

Starting October 1, students at Old Hammondtown School will have the opportunity to eat breakfast in the cafeteria prior to the school day.  The school serves grades four, five and six and has 212 students: 75 in grade four, 71 in grade five, and 66 in grade 6.   The idea is to prepare students nutritionally for the school day, including those qualifying for free or reduced meals.

The School Committee heard a presentation by Mattapoisett Recreation Director Jeremy Collier, who gave a one to five year plan, which included creating new tennis courts adjacent to Old Hammondtown School.

“Our plan is to have tennis courts at all three schools,” said Collier.

“Mattapoisett is underserved in tennis courts,” said board member Gerald Johnson. “In the summer you have to go to Tabor Academy or a public court in Marion.”

Collier came before the school committee because he plans to propose a renovation of the existing tennis courts adjacent to Center School to the town and wanted the approval of the committee.  The school uses the courts on a regular basis, but not for playing tennis.

“The courts also serve as a barrier to the street, providing a useful space for students to use during the school day,” said Collier.

In other business, the committee approved two fundraisers from OHS Band Director Paul Halpainy who told the board that the band needs new uniforms.

“Our current uniforms are over twenty years old and are stored in boxes which create musty smell each time we bring them out…it’s time for new uniforms and we will raise the money via a fundraiser, without asking for funds from the school budget,” said Halpainy.

Halpainy also requested approval for an annual fundraiser, similar to Sippican School’s Band Blast, held in June, close to the school year end.

“We are impressed with Sippican’s annual event and want to create something similar here, possibly at Center School, with an event that brings families together for a celebration,” said Halpainy.

The PTA also presented fundraising ideas for the 2012 – 2013 school year including an October family portrait to be taken on October 27.  Photographs will be taken of families in 15-minute intervals.  Ten photos will be taken and the cost is $150, with $50 of each session going to the PTA.  The proofs and final photos will be available for families to use as holiday cards or gifts.

Other PTA fundraisers included a Kids Night Out in December so that parents can do holiday shopping after dropping their children off at a local gymnastics business, with a reasonable fee and a Bingo for Books evening where prizes would include books for bingo winners.

In other business, Superintendent Doug White said that the fiscal year 2012 budget came in two percent under the approved budget.

Teresa Hamm, Director of Student Services said that the Tri-Town Pre-School program was under-enrolled and asked the committee and those in attendance to consider spreading the word about the program.

“Children three to four years old can attend the pre-school from nine to noon, five days a week at ORR High School…we also have an extended daycare program from noon to three,” said Hamm.  “We have volunteer students from ORR who are interested in a career in early childhood services who help with the program…any grandparents, parents, neighbors out there…tell parents of young children about this wonderful program.”

Center School Principal, Rose Bowman, told the committee that a local Mattapoisett company donated 70 soccer balls.  Half will go to OHS and the other half will go to Center School.  Bowman said that 23 new students registered for school between June and the beginning of the school year.  Open House for Center School will take place on Thursday, September 13 from 6:00 to 7:30 pm.

By Joan Hartnett-Barry

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