No New Planner Yet

            The Mattapoisett Planning Board has been struggling to keep business flowing in the absence of a town planner or administrator.

            Former Town Administrator Mike Gagne had been filling in for months after the departure of Mary Crain. Gagne, however, recently advised the town he would need to terminate his assistance having taken a position with the City of New Bedford. The position was posted and several candidates looked promising. An offer was made to an interested party, but that applicant subsequently withdrew.

            During the January 3 board meeting, Town Administrator Mike Lorenco said, “Part-time positions are tough.” Part-time positions constitute 19.5 hours per week. Lorenco said, “The Select Board has talked about full or part-time positions a lot, but right now in the budget it’s for part-time.” He also added that the Select Board “…wants to be involved.”

            Planning Board member Janice Robbins expressed her desire to have a planner with relevant education and experience, especially regarding state rules and regulations. “Tough time to hire,” said Lorenco. He said many municipal positions throughout the commonwealth are a “revolving door.” He also offered the assistance of his office staff in the interim and assured the board that job postings would be placed in all available employment platforms.

            The board spent time talking about the logistics and timing of public meetings and/or hearings for their long-awaited draft of a new solar bylaw. The draft itself, a document that Robbins took the lead on more than two years ago, has gone through several legal reviews, it was noted. The board is looking to hold at least one public meeting and one public hearing in March to receive public feedback. Posting of the meetings will be made two weeks prior to scheduled date. Once public discourse is completed, the bylaw would head to the Select Board and then on to the spring Town Meeting.

            The board also discussed a new fee structure that would require new or updated fees for plan modifications, Approval Not Required (ANR) filings and other matters that require services of the Planning Board office.

            Earlier in the proceedings, the board approved a surety agreement with the Bay Club, represented by David Andrews, that would allow one lot to be released for sale and a final lot held along with cash in the amount of $465,000. The surety will be held until roadway construction is verified as being complete.

            Continued to February 7 was a subdivision proposed at the end of Park Lane by property owners Andre Rieksts, Scott Atkinson and Margo Wilson-Atkinson. Represented by Douglas Schneider of Schneider, Davignon and Leone, Inc., the project would include adding a private extension to an existing public way and easements across former railroad holdings.

            Also continued to the February 7 meeting was an application for a roadway expansion of Nicky’s Lane. The project is represented by Bill Madden of G.A.F. Engineering.

            The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Planning Board is scheduled for Monday, February 7, at 7:00 pm.

Mattapoisett Planning Board

By Marilou Newell

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