A new residential subdivision is in the works for Mattapoisett. The project was presented at the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission’s regular meeting on Friday, October 12 in Town Hall.
David Nicolosi filed a notice of intent to construct a residential subdivision called “Deer Woods” off of Fairhaven Road. The lot would span 53.6 acres, which would be enough space to construct 8-10 new homes.
The proposed lot is home to wetlands, and a stream is located between the main road and the subdivision. The plan would construct a 750 foot roadway that would cross the stream and connect the main road and the neighborhood.
Additionally, a drainage system would be constructed that would discharge into two infiltration basins. Neither the drainage system nor the roadway would affect the wetlands.
Still, the commission is worried that the project is getting ahead of itself as the project managers have not yet met with the Planning Board to seek approval.
“That is my basic issue with this,” said Commissioner Bob Rogers.
Commissioner Peter Newton said an order of conditions would not be issued until a set of approved plans are sent from the Planning Board.
The project will be presented to the Planning Board the first week of November. The commission voted for a continuance of the hearing until Monday, November 26. But for such a large plan, there will be more hearings to come.
“You should probably expect that there will be a number of hearings on this,” said Newton.
The Mattapoisett Conservation Commission will meet again on Monday, October 22 at 7:00 pm in Town Hall.
By Katy Fitzpatrick