The July 28 meeting of the Rochester Zoning Board of Appeals started with an introduction to the new Building Commissioner, Carl Bizarro, and some good news.
The good news was that the new commissioner is on the same page as the board on handling zoning enforcement.
Board member Richard Cutler asked Bizarro how he will approach his job. Bizzaro answered he will be very strict when it comes to following town bylaws. “The zoning rules,” he said, “those are my guidelines.”
Cutler then asked how he will act when someone isn’t following the rules. Bizarro indicated leniency would not be his specialty. “There are procedures to follow,” he said. “I will follow them. Your bylaws are explicit. Building codes are to be enforced. You can always let me know when something needs to be done. I will follow your guidelines.”
The board next turned to the matter of replacing recently retired, long-time member Kirby Gilmore. Board Chairman David Arancio noted three applicants have expressed interest in filling Gilmore’s seat and suggested a letter be sent to the Select Board seeking its recommendation.
He noted the board’s two associate members, Donald Spirlet who was present and Jeffrey Costa who was not present, are also interested in filling the seat. The board ultimately decided to table further discussion until a full board is present.
Lastly, the zoning panel’s four members present approved variances to allow Lawrence and Edie Oliveira to build a 14×14-foot accessory structure 22 feet from the side property line and within the front-yard area at 167 Cushman Road.
Arancio asked why what Edie Oliveira called a “she shed” could not be built in the back yard. The Oliveiras swayed the board into approving the variances after noting the back yard features topographical problems including soft spaces and a steep embankment.
The next meeting of the Rochester Zoning Board of Appeals will be held on Thursday, August 11, at 6:30 pm.
Rochester Zoning Board of Appeals
By Michael J. DeCicco