It was a pretty quiet night for the Rochester Conservation Commission when they met on December 6, but the members were excited to welcome a new associate member.
Submitting a letter of interest to become a member of the commission was Maggie K. Payne, 555 Walnut Plain Road. Payne said she and her family had moved to town two years ago and that she wished to lend her expertise in helping with local conservation efforts and to meet the people of the community.
Payne noted that she is a soil scientist employed by Natural Resources Conservation Services under the direction of the USDA. The work of the NRCS is noted on their website: “NRCS helps America’s farmers, ranchers and forest landowners conserve the nation’s soil, water, air and other natural resources. All programs are voluntary and offer science-based solutions that benefit both the landowner and the environment.”
Her request for consideration was enthusiastically received by the commission members with Rosemary Smith saying, “I’m excited to have her.”
After unanimously accepting her request, the commission members explained that she would have all the same rights and responsibilities as appointed members with the exception of the right to vote on matters before the commission.
Earlier in the meeting, the commission met with Brian Grady of G.A.F. Engineering on a request for an amended order of conditions for property located at 356 Snow’s Pond Road.
The new owner, John Draper, purchased the parcel from Gloria Doviak and sought to have a previous order of conditions amended to suit his plans to build a new home on the site.
Grady explained there were minor differences between what Doviak had proposed to build on the site versus what Draper now wished to do. Both parties, however, planned for the razing of an existing structure situated along the bank of the pond.
Commission member Laurene Gerrior said that she had previously voted ‘nay’ to Doviak’s plans and “This is a delicate property … this kind of thing upset me.”
Conservation Agent Laurell Farinon said that the new plan would provide better safeguards to the bank area and that new septic system technology was superior to anything that had previously been near the pond.
The commission voted in the majority to approve the request with a ‘no’ vote from Gerrior.
The commissioners also discussed their right of refusal on a parcel owned by Thomas Gayoski, Jr., located off Alley Road. Farinon said the property consisted of 72 acres with a price tag of $185,000. After some discussion, the commissioners expressed no interest in acquiring the property.
The next meeting of the Rochester Conservation Commission is scheduled for December 20 at 7:00 pm in the town hall meeting room.
By Marilou Newell