Neighbors Complaints Subside as Barking Does

Several past complaints of incessant and late-night dog barking at 368 North Ave. led to a public hearing at Monday’s Board of Selectmen meeting, with the Board ultimately deciding to continue the hearing to a future date as the barking has subsided in more recent months.

Liberal Teixeira, the property owner, was on hand to defend himself among the Selectmen, several neighbors, abutters, and Anne Estabrook, the town’s Animal Control Officer, but the overall consensus among those in attendance was that the barking was not a major issue in recent months.

Teixeira is licensed to have 16 kennels on his property, and he said that the noise was mainly from five beagles that he recently found homes for.

“I’m gong to continue to try to do things to improve the situation,” said Teixeira. “I want to be a good neighbor, too. If there’s a problem, please tell me, and I’ll address the issue.”

Town Counsel Blair Bailey suggested that the hearing be continued to a future meeting unless there weren’t any more complaints regarding the noise from Teixeira’s dogs.

“We would only have you in here if it continues to be a problem,” said Bailey.

In other news, David Smith of the town’s Agricultural Commission was on hand to request the Board’s permission to move forward with 11 “Right to Farm Community” signs to be erected on town roads in several locations. The signs are in correlation with community supported farming, which is promoted by the Agricultural Commission.

“It just furthers our acceptance of farming in the town,” Smith said.

Smith requested funding from the town on behalf of the Commission, but Selectmen said that currently, there was no funding available in the budget for the signs, though there could be in fiscal year 2014 if they could not come up with their own funding through fundraising or donations.

“We don’t have any money for this,” Town Administrator Richard LaCamera said. “It’s going to be a couple thousand dollars by [the time the signs and posts are done being built and erected].”

Board Chairwoman Naida Parker recommended waiting until next year to see if they can budget it.

Smith added that he would get a couple more quotes on prices for the signs and seek funding elsewhere if necessary.

The Board approved a motion to allow Mr. Smith to go forward with the project.

Lastly, the Board announced that Fred Underhill has resigned from Old Colony School Committee, and that anyone interested should contact the town regarding the position.

By Nick Walecka


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