Multiple Vehicle Breaks in Marion

On Friday, July 11, 2014 at 6:37PM the Marion Police Department investigated a break into a motor vehicle, which had been parked on South Street, near the intersection of Water Street. The owner reported that the passenger side window had been smashed and his daughter’s pocket book was stolen off the front seat. It is believed the incident occurred sometime between 6:00PM and 6:30PM.

On Tuesday, July 15, 2014 at 7:20AM a resident of Briggs Lane reported his truck stolen from his driveway, during the night. The 2008 Ford F-150 pickup truck was believed to have been taken sometime after 11:00PM. A debit card belonging to the truck owner was used by the suspect at a store in Fall River a couple of hours later.

A neighbor discovered the license plate had been stolen off her vehicle, also during the night, which may have been used on the stolen pickup truck.

Another nearby resident reported that his unlocked vehicle had been entered during the night, but nothing was reported missing

Also on Tuesday, July 15, 2014 at 7:59AM a resident of Inland Road reported that her car had been broken into sometime during the night. The driver’s side window was smashed and a wallet taken from the vehicle.

Police are warning residents to not leave valuables in their vehicles and report any suspicious activity to the police department. These incidents are under investigation by Det. Scott Smith. Anyone with information is asked to contact Det. Smith at 508-748-1212, ext. 218.

Marion Police Department Press Release

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