MOSAC Hopes to Contract Town Help

            Marion Open Space Acquisition Commission Chairman John Rockwell hopes to keep any of the commission’s work done in house if possible.

            In his Point Road Bike Path update to MOSAC’s December 7 public meeting, Rockwell told fellow members that he realized the town’s Department of Public Works has been performing some excavation-type work at the Cushing Community Center. That has given him pause regarding the sending out of a Request for Proposal (RFP) to solicit bids for work that MOSAC needs done along Point Road.

            He said, should Facilities Manager Shaun Cormier be able and available to conduct work that MOSAC needs done, the commission is in a position to pay the town for the work. Secondly, he noted that the town has a person who does contract work, so he thought it would be a good idea to have the town review his RFP and offer suggestions. He asked the membership’s opinions.

            “I think it’s great if we can take advantage of any of the resources they have,” said MOSAC member Amanda Chace. “There’s skill on the labor portion but also that contract person, I think it’s really great if you can take advantage of that. And I think that helps in terms of our due diligence.”

            “Keeping things within the town is always a great option,” agreed MOSAC member Deb Ewing. “And if it doesn’t work to your point, they’ve got some expertise, perhaps with the contracts and such. We can make sure we’re bidding this out correctly.”

            Rockwell said he would contact Becky Tilden, the new DPW director, to see what she and Cormier can do to assist MOSAC. He figures it’s a win-win to keep the funds within the town, especially during the slower winter months.

            Rockwell said he received an email from Libby Consulting, saying the survey work for open-space encroachment has been done where the path runs up against a particular lot at Joanne Drive. The members voted to pay the surveying invoice. MOSAC also planned a site visit walk-through of the forestry area on December 10.

            A larger project is organizing a survey of Marion stakeholders as to MOSAC’s land-acquisition activities.

            Ewing was once again appointed the commission’s representative to Marion’s Community Preservation Committee. Ewing also said she met with Karen Gregory of the Marion Council on Aging regarding to discuss monthly volunteer help with maintenance of the commission’s open spaces.

            The first meeting of the Marion Open Space Acquisition Commission for 2023 was not scheduled upon adjournment.

Marion Open Space Acquisition Commission

By Mick Colageo

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