The Marion Open Space Acquisition Commission briefly met on January 25 to approve the revised version of the Conservation Restriction for the Hoff Property.
At the Board of Selectmen’s January 19 meeting, Selectmen Norm Hills and John Waterman voted to remove a sentence in the document connecting the Conservation Restriction to the denitrification of wastewater coming from the Benson Brook Transfer Station. Board of Selectmen Chairman Randy Parker recused himself from that proceeding, having donated property in connection with adjacent open space acquired that enhances the Hoff Property.
MOSAC Chairman John Rockwell told the January 25 meeting that the revised version of the Conservation Restriction went back to the state for reapproval, which came back approved. He, along with fellow MOSAC members Amanda Chace and Casey Gunschel, voted to approve the Conservation Restriction as revised.
The next meeting of the Marion Open Space Acquisition Commission is scheduled for February 4 at 7:00 pm.
Marion Open Space Acquisition Commission
By Mick Colageo