Moratorium On Building Use

On December 17 the Mattapoisett Select Board voted to place a moratorium on the use of the town’s properties by any entity other than recognized and duly appointed or elected boards and committees. Town administrator Mike Lorenco noted that presently, there aren’t firm rules or guidelines for such use of municipal properties, the absence of which may have created some issues in recent months.

            When asked for specifics board member Tyler Macallister said of the need to establish clear policies, “It’s the right thing to do.” Macallister declined to respond to a question regarding what issues had arisen to prompt the moratorium.

             Lorenco made clear that the moratorium did not include the library which falls under the jurisdiction of the library trustees. Member Jordan Collyer asked the board members to review any existing policies for updating and modifications to be voted on after the first of the year.

            In other business the board voted to approve ARPA funding use for the following equipment; $85,000 for Highway and Water/Sewer Departments radio equipment, $3,351 for computer equipment and IT upgrades, $109,109 for town server replacement, $2,835 for public nursing expenses not included in the annual budget, and $8,170 for AED supplies including pads for town owned defibrillators.

            Lorenco also advised that the 30-day review of the town’s electricity aggregation agreement is underway and can be viewed on the town’s website. Also in a 30-day review process is the town’s updated Hazard Mitigation Plan. The draft can be found on the town’s website.

            A liquor license transfer for management changes at Mattapoisett Liquors was approved.

            The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Select Board was not set upon adjournment.

Mattapoisett Select Board

By Marilou Newell

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