Engineer Richard Rheaume of Prime Engineering came before the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission on December 12, requesting the acceptance of what he deemed a “minor field change.” The project is located at 20 Howard Beach and owned by 21 Century Mill LLC.
After describing the changes to the original plan, which included second-story alterations, Chairman Mike King, along with the commission members, questioned the changes. They held that the changes were not minor, were in fact significant, and either required a new, public notification announcing the changes and alerting abutters – or filing a completely new plan.
Rheaume didn’t push back from the commissioners’ comments and agreed to publish a new, legal notice and to send abutter notifications announcing when the filing will be heard.
In other business, a Request for Determination of Applicability for 18 Shore Drive owned by Evelio Suarez was tabled due to lack of representation.
A Notice of Intent filed by Long Build Homes for Lot 50, Shagbark Circle, was conditioned, and an existing Order of Conditions on an earlier filing was given a Certificate of Compliance (no work begun.)
A continued NOI for 12 Old Mattapoisett Road filed by Jay Dupont was conditioned for a new septic system.
The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission is scheduled for Tuesday, January 2, at 6:30 pm.
Mattapoisett Conservation Commission
By Marilou Newell