In saying goodbye to the 2023-24 academic year, the Marion School Committee used its May 23 meeting to say goodbye to Sippican Elementary School fifth-grade teacher Elizabeth Milde.
Old Rochester Regional Superintendent of Schools Mike Nelson called Milde the “utmost professional” in announcing her retirement.
Citing her teamwork, dedication and encouragement of students to work on developing their own viewpoints on issues, members of the Marion Teachers Association spoke about Milde’s career as a model educator.
The School Committee approved the following book donations to the Sippican Library in Milde’s honor: “Anna Strong” by Sarah Glenn Marsh (from the Volunteers at Sippican Elementary); “Revolutionary Prudence Wright” by Beth Anderson (from the Marion School Sunshine Committee) and “Her Name was Mary Katherine” by Ella Schwartz (from the Marion Teachers Association).
Committee Chair April Nye recognized retiring Assistant Principal Peter Crisafulli with the donation of the book, “You Can Change the World: Inspiration for Future Heroes.”
Nye told the meeting attendees that she was holding off on her year-end chairperson’s report in favor of recognizing Marion’s voters to supporting the school budget at the recent Annual Town Meeting.
“They always come through for the kids,” she said. “We could not be more thankful to them for always putting the children first.”
In his update, Nelson recognized the volunteers who helped with the hiring process for new principal and assistant principal at Sippican. He also noted that Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll stopped at Sippican School where she was greeted by the school band and nearly the entire student body. Driscoll was in Marion to see the new harbormaster construction that has been funded in large part by the state’s Seaport Economic Council.
Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning Shari Fedorowicz recognized the work done by faculty and students in the district’s literacy program, also noting Project 351.
In other business, the Marion School Committee approved three grants totaling over $75,000.
A Vacation Acceleration Academies Grant in the amount of $33,000 will allow the district to provide a week of instruction before the next school year. A High-Quality Instructional Materials Purchase Grant in the amount of $27,992 will allow programming outside of the operating budget, and a Civics Teaching and Learning Grant in the amount of $16,000 will align with the literacy-based initiative of the state Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE).
The committee nailed down its regular meeting dates for 2024-25: September 19, October 24, December 5, January 30, 2025, March 6, 2025, May 8, 2025 and (Wednesday) June 11, 2025.
The School Committee approved a list of materials to be withdrawn from the Sippican School Library.
At the recommendation of ORR Administration, the Marion School Committee reupped its annual agreements via the approval of memorandums of agreement, renting space at Sippican Elementary to the South Coast YMCA and Countryside Child Care for the 2024-25 school year.
The committee heard from Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations Howie Barber, who provided General Operating Financial Report, Food Services and Facilities reports. Nelson would later note he is grateful that the district’s capital requests have been met.
The committee went into executive session to prepare for negotiations and to comply with state laws.
The next meeting of the Marion School Committee is scheduled for Thursday, September 19, at 6:30 pm at Sippican Elementary School, and the next meeting of the Joint School Committee is scheduled for Thursday, June 20, at 6:30 pm at the ORR Junior High Media Room, 133 Marion Road, Mattapoisett.
Marion School Committee
By Mick Colageo