Town Administrator Paul Dawson recommended that the Marion Board of Selectmen consider a merge between the town’s EMS team and Fire Department. Dawson made the suggestion at the board’s regular meeting on Tuesday, June 19 in the Marion Town House.
“We believe the time has come for the board to consider formally merging both departments,” said Dawson. “We think it makes sense. Far more good is going to be accomplished here than negative.”
Dawson’s main reasoning for the merge is to cut down on the redundancy of filing two sets of paperwork for different aspects of each department, which ultimately cuts down on efficiency.
While Selectmen Jody Dickerson, Jon Henry and Stephen Cushing all seemed receptive to the idea, they still wanted more information.
“I would like to see a formal presentation conceptually of what it will look like,” said Cushing.
The Rochester Board of Selectmen met with the Marion Selectmen to discuss plans to extend the water lines 1,200 feet from Rochester into Marion. The lines would affect five homes on Mary’s Pond Road and the water main source would be from Perry Hill. The Marion Selectmen voted unanimously to approve the project. Rochester will draft plans and put the project out to bid to contractors.
Under the recommendation of Dickerson during his campaign, the board will begin meeting regularly with various public offices in town for routine updates to better improve communication among the different departments in town. The first series of these updates came from the Police and Fire Departments as well as the Harbormaster.
Chief Lincoln Miller of the Marion Police Department informed the board that Marion successfully passed all 911 compliance checks that were mandated by the state and that the new protocols are currently being implemented. Under the new regulations, all dispatchers must undergo 80 hours of training to be certified to give instructions over the phone in the event of a heart attack or other emergency situations. Also, all officers on staff must undergo 16 days of in-service training each year.
Chief Miller said due to the increased population in the summertime, particular around the center of town, they would be enforcing speeding laws by doing more speeding checkpoints.
Harbormaster Mike Cormier said from a financial standpoint, the harbor management is right on point, with 90% of vessels in the harbor on moorings or in slips. He also said the facilities are essentially ready to go, minus the handicap access equipment, which will be completed next week.
Cormier is also hoping to be approved for two grants. The first, which is worth $100,000, would replace the current metal mooring systems in the water with rubber ones. The second grant, worth $60,000, would be used to transport contaminated quahogs from the Taunton River and move them to areas just for recreational use.
Fire Chief Thomas Joyce introduced the new full-time staff member on the department. Ryan Miller began in May, and since his induction, has been invaluable to the force according to Joyce.
“He’s truly been a major asset already,” said Joyce. “He’s very acclimated to this job. I can’t speak highly enough of him.”
In addition to responding to routine calls, Miller has been essential in keeping all the equipment up to date and keeping the facilities in order. Joyce told the Board that Miller has received high praise from all officers in the public safety offices.
Joyce said the majority of the equipment in the firehouse is in good shape, with the exception of one fire truck, which he will look to replace later in the year. The new fire truck will get the firehouse through the next five years before they have to replace another truck, Joyce said.
Dean Lavoie and Bill Marvel of the Beverly Yacht Club gave an update on the planning for the Buzzards Bay Regatta. The event will be held August 3-5, and is held on a bi-annual basis. 2012 marks the 40th anniversary of the race.
“We are pretty ready for the event,” said Lavoie. “We look forward to a great event with the help of the town.”
“Marion is a maritime town,” said Selectman Henry. “This is what it’s all about.”
The Board granted the Rockwell family permission to apply for two grants, which would help fund the restoration of the Grassi and Goldovitz bogs. The grants would help improve trails around the bogs and the dike systems within as well as cut down the long-term maintenance costs for the town.
Lastly, Dawson gave an update on a court hearing between the Town of Marion and Tabor Academy. Dawson traveled to Boston earlier in the day and issued a press release with the results.
In the release it says Tabor must apply for and obtain a building permit in compliance with the town’s zoning bylaws for a backstop constructed on Front Street. They must also obtain a special permit to construct a new lighting system that would put 80 and 90 foot on the property. The poles, according to the town of Marion, would be in violation of the town’s zoning bylaws.
The Marion Board of Selectmen will meet again on Tuesday, July 10 at 7:00 pm in the Marion Town House.
By Katy Fitzpatrick