Mattapoisett Select Board

            Three (3) candidates are on the Mattapoisett Town Election ballot for one (1) open seat on the Select Board.

Tyler Macallister, Incumbent

            What is my vision for Mattapoisett over the next three years? Next 10 years? I write this on the day of my 10th annual Town Meeting as a member of the Select Board. I remember the effort spent by the town administrator, department heads, committees, and many others preparing another balanced budget for the upcoming year. Since joining the Board in 2011, after almost six years on the Conservation Commission, a balanced budget has been presented annually to Town Meeting within the constraints of Proposition 2½. Simultaneously, the town has attained the highest possible rating, allowing for borrowing on capital projects at extremely low interest rates. Since 2013, 40% of our OPEB liability has been funded and seven new stabilization accounts established to soften the budgetary impacts on expenses that tend to fluctuate. The 10-year capital plan identifies timing of future projects coinciding with expiring debt, keeping borrowing levels stable. Within the next three years, I see the wharf restoration project completed. The waterfront and wharves at Shipyard Park are one of our greatest assets. I see a restored Ned’s Point Light shining brightly under the care of the town. I see informed decisions made on larger-scale projects that are coming, including consolidation of Center and Old Hammondtown schools. The study is complete and public input will be sought soon. The largest component of Mattapoisett’s population is over 55, yet the Council on Aging operates on one of the smallest budgets. I see the need for an expansion of the COA services, as more people tap this very valuable resource, and intend to get ahead of the curve. Ten years from now, I see a more modern Town Hall housing most departments so anyone can get their needs taken care in a single location. I see an expansion of affordable housing in cooperation with private developers who share similar vision. I hope others share some or all of my visions for the Mattapoisett. I may not have lived here all my life, but definitely call it home. I appreciate your support on May 16.

Brian Connelly, Challenger

            I have a fiscally conservative mindset and am moderate on non-financial issues. I was born and raised in Queens by my mother, who immigrated as a political refugee from Cuba. She instilled the values of hard work and education. My father, a proud Air Force veteran and engineer, engrained commitment to service and to take pride in figuring out how to solve complicated problems in creative ways. I moved here in 2003 after studying Business Administration and Communications at Stonehill. My wife and I chose Mattapoisett to raise our two children, Caroline and Charlie; both came up through ORR schools. We love this special town that we all now call home. I was accepted to the FDNY in 2001 but declined to pursue a life in MA and career in Financial Services. I have earned multiple FINRA certifications for investment trading, focusing on client relationships, charitable trusts, bespoke investments, and international trust private wealth management. We later prioritized our family, and I stayed home with our children to play active roles at home and within our community. With time to volunteer within the kids’ schools and the library, I also found time to pursue firefighting again. Joining Mattapoisett Fire in 2016, I hold the rank of lieutenant. I helped secure a FEMA grant for the department’s breathing apparatus, resulting in removal of a significant capital cost off a future fiscal year’s budget. I also serve as vice president of our department’s Firefighter Association and as a lead instructor for our Explorers program that teaches tri-town high schoolers fire-service operations and history. My interest in running is grounded in my commitment to serve this town objectively and without agendas and to support our community. I am interested in offering a fresh perspective to promote forward progress. This role is an extension of public service, facilitating the collective needs of our residents, while finding ways to fund these items in a prioritized, fiscally conservative manner. The continuance of stabilization funds, promoting sustained business growth and enhancing cost-saving measures will continue to help ease the rise of taxes for our residents.

Catherine Heuberger, Challenger

            For the last 18 years, I have been a dedicated public servant. I enjoy providing excellent service to all Mattapoisett residents. I believe that my local knowledge, experience and education make me the best candidate for Select Board. Mattapoisett is my hometown. My roots in the community run deep. Both my husband and I were fortunate to be raised in this beautiful town. We chose to raise our son in the town we love. Our aging fathers and extended families live here as well. Since becoming town clerk, I have received my certifications from the Massachusetts Town Clerks’ Association and the International Institute of Municipal Clerks. In 2022, I completed the Local Government Leadership and Management Certificate Program from Suffolk University and the Massachusetts Municipal Association. I am currently enrolled in classes to obtain my Massachusetts Certified Public Purchasing Official designation. When contemplating running for the Select Board, I asked the State Ethics Commission for a legal opinion. I was advised by the commission that there was no conflict in me running for and holding both elected offices. Since the conflict-of-interest law only applies to immediate family members, I would be able to vote on most matters without an issue. I would have to recuse myself from certain discussions regarding my salary and budget once elected. Mattapoisett is facing many challenges. The future of our aging town facilities, possible school consolidation, services for our growing senior population and affordable housing for the elderly and families are just a few of the issues facing us as a community. When considering these needs, I will work diligently to make sure your tax dollars are spent wisely. I have no personal agenda and no pet projects to advocate for. I am ready to serve and look out for the best interests of all residents and to be open-minded when making decisions concerning the future of Mattapoisett. I have the knowledge, experience and education to be a voice for all town residents. I look forward to serving on the Select Board. I humbly ask for your vote on May 16. Thank you!

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